Sentences with phrase «cultural shock»

So while Mavis is busy visiting her human in - laws with Johnny — and in for a major cultural shock of her own — «Vampa» Drac enlists his friends Frank, Murray, Wayne and Griffin to put Dennis through a «monster - in - training» boot camp.
After experiencing cultural shock you start to realize that not all of your preconceived notions of normalcy are correct, and that beliefs you thought were undeniable truths are actually just social constructs.
So while Mavis is busy visiting her human in - laws with Johnny - and in for a major cultural shock of her own - «Vampa» Drac enlists his friends Frank, Murray, Wayne and Griffin to put Dennis through a «monster - in - training» boot camp.
My biggest cultural shock came when Kirk and I returned to Ankaase for a prayer service.
At some point your Russian lady will want to invite you to meet her parents, when this happens you must try to be calm about the meeting as it will probably come as a big cross cultural shock, and you must be ready for traditional Russian behavior which is usually boisterous and gregarious.
What kinds of cultural shock do these young adults experience upon their arrival in Kansas City?
The pieces displayed are also unmistakably close to their creators, and the level of intimacy taken to the range of topics constituting our current cultural shock is an overwhelming experience.
Leader of the pack, De Kooning, along with Jackson Pollock, Franz Kline, Robert Motherwell et al gave contemporary art a massive cultural shock with their both rugged and romantic paintings.
«When they go into child protection, they go into cultural shock, which is very traumatic... I've seen little ones, two - year - olds, you get a situation where they can't even talk to their carer.
If you ask me I travel to people - watch, see the vibrancy of the place or experience cultural shock.
AM: It must have been a major cultural shock coming from China to the US.
Every pastor experiences some cultural shock during the early years of service in a congregation.
And yes, where I think that titling this birth method «orgasmic birth» might be a cultural shock for some, it gets the attention of the current birthing generation and that's all that matters in my book.
Hearing them extoll the virtues of marriage so extravagantly put Guttentag into a kind of «cultural shock,» she later wrote.
I have long felt that many of these topics needed to be covered at the university, in order to prevent the cultural shock waves that scientists encounter when they go to companies, large or small.
For about two weeks the star could be seen in daylight, but at the end of November it began to fade and change color, from bright white over yellow and orange to faint reddish light, finally fading away from visibility in March, 1574, having been visible to the naked eye for almost 16 months (more about Brahe's «acid tongue and silver nose,» the cultural shock of the «new star,» and how supernovae create high - energy radiation from Wallace H. Tucker).
Hence our decision to open a second brand, where our western members will not have the cultural shock they're having with My Ladyboy Date.
Living among Illinois and Lincoln was a cultural shock, but I adjusted.
The government fears any leak of the discovery may cause anxious panic or «cultural shock and social disorientation» among the families of Clavius personnel.
Acculturation, cultural shock.
«Our galleries will be filled with masterworks and materials documenting the full impact that modernism delivered in 1913 — the debates, discussions, and cultural shocks that made this show a «bombshell.
However, the leap into legal tech provided a couple of cultural shocks.
Ed Walters: I will tell you, if there was a major kind of cultural shock, you could imagine people who have used Loislaw since the 80s might say who moved my cheese?
One thing that every person should experience in his or her life is cultural shock, or the experience of total confusion at a societal norm that completely challenges everything in your life.
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