Sentences with phrase «cultural standards»

I wonder aloud what the level of commits were at that time or whether contemporary movies impose the present cultural standards back in time.
She addresses popular culture in her work, merging themes of mass consumption with notions of social consciousness as well as viewpoints on cultural standards and constructs.
This is perpetuated by cultural standards of food - as - reward and yo - yo dieting.
His acceptance of the outcasts — one of his most radical acts — pointed to an identity defined by one's relationship to God rather than by cultural standards of performance.
And so the church can be just like most of the world, perpetuating archaic and cultural standards for leadership, rather than God's standards for leadership, just doing things the way they've always been done with the same people.
«We are building a new cultural standard in our local area, of caring relationships with each other and our earth.
«This was not a good moment in the history of English cuisine,» declared McEwan's ever - so - dry narrative voice, also selling out Edward's cultural standards with the interjection that it «would not have crossed his mind to order a red».
Modi's party's support for the Hindu culture war in India has shown that, for now, cultural standards trump economic arguments, which will leave demand high and supply low.
«Because thinness is not consistent with dominant cultural standards of masculinity, young people who conform to masculine norms may be more likely than other youth to engage in unhealthy behaviors such as high - calorie food consumption, overeating and sedentary behaviors,» explains Dr. Austin.
The challenging part would be to resist the toxic message of our culture, which measures the success of women on how well we fit the mercurial and often insane cultural standards of beauty.
Throughout the nineteenth century, boarding schools were established to educate and assimilate American Indian children according to US cultural standards and values.
It's also important to note that Saudi Arabia still intends to censor all movies that are screened in this fashion to make sure they're in line with the country's strict cultural standards, which may be why they chose to focus on kid - oriented fare like this.
The IARC has managed to get all of these different ratings organizations to «agree on a unified process that simultaneously generates ratings for multiple territories while preserving each of their distinct cultural standards
Thus, as a dyslexic woman immigrant my commitment remains to re-place, re-map, and re-engage accepted cultural standards, classical forms of categorization, and archetypal structures — in short, to work assiduously against reality.
CREAcrats are responsible for surreptitiously (legally by their in - house cultural standards) selling out the MLS / realtor.
As we lay there that night, I could hear the steady, sleeping breaths of my entire family, squeezed comfortably together in a space deemed far too small by middle - class cultural standards.
to determine what the natural age at weaning would be in humans if it was not set by cultural standards?
Reasonableness implies some social or cultural standard of reason to which one can defer.
It brings into question our cultural standards for behavior, performance and punishment; it reaches into the workplace, the courts and the halls of Congress.
You can't rewrite the Bible to accommodate today's cultural standards.
Maybe put up a state penitentiary there, but a mosque a couple blocks away is an attack on America??? I think the real unamerican people are the conservatives who forget that America is based on the idea that there is no cultural standard, no national religion, and no reason not to provide anyone, of any race or religion the ability to practice his / her faith free from the persecution of others.
He did not measure himself by the cultural standards of his day, as did some others, who scoffed at the fact that he was a carpenter (Mark 6:3), nor by the greatness of the order of the intellect (his education was that which could be gained at the local synagogue school) Some of the creatures made by the Word of God are greater in these respects than the one who is the Word of God incarnate, and that one is not ashamed of his inferiority.
What distinguished Partisan Review was its devotion to cultural standards.
Companies, like individuals, are wise to take note of the local customs and not just have the arrogance of the imperialists who assume that every civilized person goes along with their dress codes and cultural standards.
Many of the people in Minimalism had achieved «success» by our cultural standards, but were left feeling disillusioned, anxious and depleted so they decided to live radically different than most Americans.
For a long time, I was looking for answers to questions that were hardly worth asking, and I was trying to recreate my daughter according to a cultural standard of normalcy rather than according to a biblical understanding of full human life.
Most Christians today understand that passage as referring to the cultural standards of that passage as referring to the cultural standards of the time, and it has far fewer cultural references that the Roman passage does.
The equality of death exposes the ephemeral character of the cultural standards by which we judge ourselves, whether we are puffing ourselves up by virtue of our achievements or being crushed by our failure to measure up.
Despite the universal character of the Christian churches, the Christian missions in South India underwent a uniform metamorphosis depending on the social and cultural standards of the South... caste differences were further aggravated by denominational and congregational disputes.17
Our laws are based on European laws and cultural standards.
Jellinek once pointed out that «a man who stays drunk for days without regard to family, work and other duties commits such a gross violation of all cultural standards that his action can not be a matter of choice unless his is a psychopathic constitution.»
Within His right as both a Rabbi and the Son of God, Jesus does not condemn the woman to the punishment she deserved by cultural standards.
When it comes to duration of breastfeeding there is a research done by Katherine A. Dettwyler, (you can find her excellent book here), who looked at animals (their length of gestation, birth weight, growth rate, age at sexual maturity, age at eruption of teeth, lifespan, etc) to determine what the natural age at weaning would be in humans if it was not set by cultural standards?
I'm just saying I find some of our cultural standards interesting.
It chronicles the cultural standards of what it means to -LSB-...]
-- Journalism / English: Present the story of eco-tourism, as seen through the eyes of nature guides and caretakers, and develop ideas to determine if the culture of the Kichwa has been changed for the better (more economic determinism) or the worse (degrading of cultural standards) by eco-tourism.
According to Wilshaw, these schools showed signs that they do not «conform to the spirit of the equalities legislation which underpins the spiritual moral social and cultural standard».
These students are repeatedly taught about «appropriate» behavior and that the path through school, and many parts of life, is easier if one conforms to «mainstream» cultural standards.
Part of that may be because this newer generation of teachers is less encumbered by a cultural standard that keeps them in line.
I know two or three of my contemporaries who were, by cultural standards, total philistines in their boyhood, but they used to read a considerable amount of rubbish and have now, from the habit of reading, become considerably more literate than I.
You live in a wonderful age of technology that has made borrowing and secondhand living a cultural standard.
This is cultural standard, and if you pay too much someone will tell you.
Now, I want to inspire others to esp my fellow Filipinos that it is indeed possible for us to travel the world as opposed to cultural standard!
In my opinion, as a general rule: If a game is meant for kids, then it should change to meet the cultural standards in each region it is exported to.
Yakuza 5 was a joy to play with its rich and immersive storytelling and authenticity to cultural standards and traditions.
Although exhibiting a few blemishes emanating from age and cultural standards, G - senjou no Maou — The Devil on G - String is undoubtedly one of the better efforts out there.
Most of his art was aiming to get out of the system, and to ignore everything related to the «official» cultural standards, including art institutions.
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