Sentences with phrase «cultural tradition which»

Drawing upon a rich cultural tradition which embraces dreams, premonitions and superstitions she creates haunting work that transcends generation or culture.
His 2009 exhibit at the MCA Chicago, Temple Exercises, built of wooden boards recycled from a factory in Chicago's post-industrial heart, encouraged their view in the light of Modernist Art and other cultural traditions which depend on scrap for survival.

Not exact matches

Some of the demonstrations, which are also celebrated under the International Workers» Day banner, reflected cultural traditions, and many others were a rallying cry for equal rights, equal pay, and a renewed focus on social, environmental and civil - rights issues.
The quality which makes them the scapegoats of Western history is the quality which makes them strangers in Western history — their devotion to their own cultural tradition under conditions of almost impossible hardship and the psychological traits which that devotion has established.
Those latter steps require attention not just to Bayles, and what she learned (with help from Albert Murray and Ralph Ellison) about the Afro - American musical tradition, but also to the sort of socio - cultural analysis we do so much of here at pomocon, which derives from we've learned from Tocqueville most of all.
The history of Italian unification» Italian fascism having more than a decade's existence as a special place in radicalism; the role of the papacy in severely constraining manifest forms of statist rule; the cultural tradition of Italian major cities, which had autonomous forms of city development; and the weaknesses of Italy with respect to economic concentrations of power in the early twentieth century» all argue against a muscular totalitarianism.
Old cultural traditions have been obliterated by communism; Christianity provides a compelling and compassionate alternative to the hollowness of the regime's materialism; and unlike Europe, which has largely rejected its Christian heritage in a decades - long spasm of anti-clericalism, «Christianity» in China rings up «modern» and «humane,» rather than «pre-modern» and «inhumane.»
Speaking in cultural terms, M.M. Thomas argues that a «post-modern humanism which recognizes the integration of mechanical, organic and spiritual dimensions, can develop creative reinterpretation of traditions battling against fundamentalist traditionalism and actualize the potential modernity to create a dynamic fraternity of responsible persons and people».12
Thus the Commission called for a Christian concern for Higher Education which helps critical rational and humanist evaluation of both the western and Indian cultures to build a new cultural concept which subordinated religious traditions, technology and politics to personal values according to the principle «Sabbath is made for man and not man for the Sabbath», enunciated by Jesus and illustrated in the idea of Incarnation of God in Christ.
For the tradition to which Plato had been heir, paideia was as essential to the well - being of the public realm as of the political realm, by forming virtuous citizens capable of filling political roles wisely; for fourth - century Greek - speaking Christians paideia, while it aimed to shape persons» private interiority rather than their public political activity, contributed to the well - being of the public realm as a cultural realm accessible to any literate, educated person, Christian or pagan.
Many felt that the theological task of India need not be the preserve of the «Brahmanic Tradition» within the Indian Church, which had always used «intuition, inferiority oriented approach» to theologising.14 Dalit theologians were of the opinion that the theological and cultural domination of Brahmanic traditions within Indian Christianity, ignoring the rich cultural and religious experience of the Dalits had to be ignored, if not rejected completely.
The theoretical tradition initiated by Max Weber nearly a century ago has remained a popular perspective from which to examine religion, ideology, and, in general, the processes of change in these cultural systems.
Behind the written documents is both an ancient, oral tradition and some very particular historical circumstances and cultural phenomena which have clearly shaped the narratives.
In the spring of 1952 Buber was awarded the Goethe Prize by the University of Hamburg for his «activity in the spirit of a genuine humanity» and for «an exemplary cultural activity which serves the mutual understanding of men and the preservation and continuation of a high spiritual tradition
Such a theological and ecclesiological position has a long cultural heritage in Christian tradition, but it must not imperialize Biblical interpretation by becoming the sole authoritative stance from which the Biblical witness is read.
Since the Reformation in the 16th Century, much Christian infighting and misunderstanding has occurred over the Catholic and Orthodox emphasis on Tradition (which usually got confused with small cultural «traditions») versus the new Protestant emphasis on Scripture, even «Scripture alone!»
Nehru used to say that he preferred the cultural attitude related to the spirit of Paganism which allowed many gods including an unknown god to coexist; it reinforces democratic tradition.
A second basic approach to biblical studies is historicism in which Scripture is treated in the same way as any worthy literature of a given cultural tradition.
I fear that he is right in speculating that not only has our age lost its knowledge of our cultural and spiritual traditions, but we have even lost the sensibility by which to understand them.
Yet the traditions of science embody unconscious premises which over a period of time are in two - way interaction with the premises of cultural traditions and institutions.
The majority of people living in the developing world are still deeply attached to their cultural traditions and universal human values which western civilization has deconstructed, such as the family, male and female complementarity, and the role of woman as mother and educator.
And the Nazi movement represents a cultural development which utterly contradicts the cultural traditions of Great Britain and France.
This term, coined by Karl Jaspers, is commonly used to refer to the period of creative and radical cultural change out of which came the great religious traditions sometimes known as the world religions.
Religious leaders, I think, face alternatives not easily reconciled: to try to form communities in which biblical imagery and ideas provide an alternative vision to our cultural ones, or to engage in a process of mutual critique, edification, correction and revision of frameworks that are informed both by our religious traditions and by the sciences and culture.
We do not imply following Judaism and their religious concepts and traditions, but an understanding of the cultural and historical legacy of which Jesus of Nazareth was part beyond any doubt.
Such traditions of popular political participation in serious trouble because the cultural grounds on which they have stood are beginning to come apart, to ravel out, to lose coherent purchase in our imaginations.
A denomination is a functional entity in which the issues of truth and tradition are laid aside so that a religious group may conduct its activities in a setting characterized by a lack of political or cultural dominance for any one group.
Chick's work also embodies a less penitent strain of cultural paranoia, a kind that has too often characterized the independent fundamentalist tradition in which Chick first professed Christ, and which he never left.
Christianity is a cultural tradition of religious belief and practice which, by its own reckoning, is 2,000 years old in the year 2000.
(2) Freedom of choice should be allowed in those matters on which a plurality of views are held — views based on well - articulated principles rooted in cultural tradition or widely recognized moral, philosophical and religious beliefs.
Secondly, the opposite danger exists, that of cultural leveling... In this way one loses sight of the profound significance of the culture of different nations, of the traditions of the various peoples, by which the individual defines himself in relation to life's fundamental questions.
In two recent works, The Uncertain Phoenix and Eros and Irony, David L. Hall presents a systematic and radical critique of the Western cultural and philosophical tradition, and (in The Uncertain Phoenix) a provocative vision of a future which might result front a movement away from certain aspects of that tradition.
(See his Forgotten Truth: The Primordial Tradition [Harper & Row, 1976], where he sketches the multidimensional model of reality and the self which he finds to be virtually a cultural universal, attested to by the collective experience of humankind prior to the modern period).
Therefore, in proclaiming the Kingdom of God in our context should mean taking seriously the cultural and religious symbols and traditions which embody their vision of life and wholeness.
Division theologies — by which families are separated, cultural traditions undermined, and natural communities destroyed — characterized even some of the most astute of Western theologians.
We have valued especially the cultural and religious traditions of Asia and India which have helped us to open ourselves to the dialogue with other cultures and religious.
With such a moral heritage, combining both high value and narrow limitation, the tribes of Israel entered Palestine and, after a long conflict with the previous inhabitants, settled down to adjust and synthesize their cultural traditions in the midst of the much more complicated agricultural and urban society which they had conquered.
This need not preclude the assimilation of the great riches of the Western cultural tradition, but it should introduce the student to the spirit of critical transcendence of that tradition which is its most valuable heritage and which today points to a global horizon that the tradition has neglected or obscured.
It confused the cultural unity which existed in the peninsula — confined, however, to a very thin stratum of the population, and polluted by the Vatican's cosmopolitanism — with the political and territorial unity of the great popular masses, who were foreign to that cultural tradition and who, even supposing that they knew of its existence, couldn't care less about it.
The goal of our digging into our cultural heritage and relating it to the biblical traditions is to promote goodwill towards our fellow humans and to work together for the welfare of the people in relation to the nature and to our Creator, in order that all humans may be successful in achieving mastery of life (cf. Genesis 1:28, which is interpreted from the wisdom point of view that man has the responsibility to master the world).
It is the tradition (that which has been handed over) of the church which has been transmitted through the centuries in a variety of conceptual models and injust as many social, cultural, and political milieus.
They advertise that they train global leaders, not national ones, which is why sidelining the Western tradition and substituting the ersatz cultural project of multiculturalism is so common.
The East African coastal areas, extending from Cape Guardafui in the north to Delagoa Bay in the south, have from pre-Islamic times been for Arabian, Persian, and Indian seafarers a field for cooperative action which resulted in the creation of prosperous communities and the blending of their diverse cultural traditions.
These cultural codes and their corresponding traditions are valuable resources for indicating and validating the kind of data upon which womanist theologians can reflect as they bring black women's social, religious, and cultural experience into the discourse of theology, ethics, biblical and religious studies.
The new cultural forces which have emanated from the west and which are causing the decay of traditional Christianity also threaten the future of the other great post-Axial traditions.
I THINK (not positive) that shape also depends on which cultural tradition it belongs to.
Montréal, Québec City and Gatineau — all of which are nicely situated alongside great waterways — each present a different facet of urban life in Québec, while sharing certain assets: an exciting cultural scene, top - notch hotels and gourmet offerings that reflect the very best culinary traditions.
AQ Lens: This book celebrates a cultural tradition that is vibrant, connects through the generations and which brings joy to all.
Also, conflict may arise with regard to how the child may be raised, which can sometimes be rooted in distinct cultural and religious traditions.
They want to be able to choose people — perhaps on a «points - based system» — who will most benefit the economy: superstars of the future — unhindered by «backwards» cultural tradition and able to innovate and drive forward a new economy; cheap labour which — free from EU regulations — can be brought into work hard on construction projects and then sent packing afterwards.
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