Sentences with phrase «cultural traits by»

Other research traditions emphasize instead the importance of intrinsic features of cultural traits by making specific assumptions about how variants are chosen.

Not exact matches

Pacioni himself tells us that throughout his book he has «tried to reconstruct the framework of Augustine's speculation in all of its most original philosophical traits, following philosophical and logical - linguistic suggestions performing a point by point analysis of the texts not only from a philological but also a historiographical, cultural and logical - formal point of view» (p. xix).
Either by imposition or assimilation, cultural traits are transmitted between neighbouring regions and often one replaces the original cultural traits of the other.
If facial expressions are just cultural traits, passed down through the generations by imitation, their meanings would have diverged by now, he argued.
In my personal experience, trying to understand a particular cultural trait from a native is often difficult because the emphasis on the explanation should be in the points where the listener has difficulties, difficulties that a native might not understand (since those points would, by definition be natural to her / him).
Both factions will share their cultural traits and victory conditions, but are further distinguished by traits that are unique to each faction.
This is especially true with research about cetaceans, because the discoveries of marine mammal scientists over the last 50 years have made it clear that whales and dolphins share traits once believed to be unique to humans: self - awareness, abstract thought, the ability to solve problems by planning ahead, understanding such linguistically sophisticated concepts as syntax, and the formation of cultural communities.
This spatial power relationship is generally observed as existing within a hyper - segregated hierarchical power regime, characterized by socioeconomic divisions defined by class categories or tribal based constructs, manifesting along bloodlines, ethnicity, race, religion, political identity, language, and cultural traits.
State economic success is likely determined not just by tax rates but by a complex mix of taxes, luck, natural endowments, cultural traits, investment choices and educational quality.
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