Sentences with phrase «cultural trends»

The ruling was the result of cultural trends that emerged in the context of heterosexual, not homosexual, relationships.
When they surveyed current cultural trends in 1990, they came to a very positive view of globalization.
If you keep an eye on cultural trends, it becomes pretty easy to predict what's coming next.
At the same time, general cultural trends are moving away from the conservative religion of the immediate past; eventually, conservative churches will face slowly diminishing constituencies.
It's difficult to explain broad cultural trends, so I'm not going to even attempt to do that.
Studies have also shown that the lack of homeownership among them is driven by finances, not cultural trends.
The industry is affected by cultural trends and technological advances.
Other important changes reflect cultural trends, incorporate current research, and place a greater emphasis on spiritual growth.
With its global connection, European culture grew with an all - inclusive urge to adopt, adapt, and ultimately influence other cultural trends around the world.
But we are interested in the power of data to illuminate cultural trends.
We are especially concerned about the effects on women of contemporary cultural trends.
These are the easy targets, but they are also just the markers of the more pervasive cultural trend she's attacking.
This growing cultural trend is detrimental to the educational opportunities of young boys.
And each issue contains stories that link design to evolving cultural trends, from big data to the maker movement.
As you do this, remember to differentiate between cultural trends and your individual clients.
Work - life balance is an important part of a healthy career, no matter what corporate cultural trend is trying to tell you otherwise.
I read every day, and also keep tabs on cultural trends.
If you are considering marriage or have children at that stage, don't be fooled by cultural trends to avoid marriage because it's «too risky».
They do not eschew politics entirely, but they recognize that «[n] o administration in Washington, no matter how ostensibly pro-Christian, is capable of stopping cultural trends toward desacralization and fragmentation that have been building for centuries.»
The influence that religious broadcasters may have is more significant, therefore, when they are viewed within the broader context as indicators of a general cultural trend among groups of disenfranchised citizens.
We also make sure we take a regular look at cultural trends — usually in music, books, films and TV programmes — looking for prevailing messages in our culture and how the Christian story can speak into them.
«Your position that «those acts are labeled as wrong out of the context of the times in which the writers wrote» suggests that God follows the changing cultural trends of man.»
In this way and others, Christian schools confront the same cultural trends as other American institutions — trends that value individual choice over institutional authority.
This initiative was part of a large and powerful cultural trend in the postwar era that involved rejecting more than nationalism.
Prophets Of The Culture Of Death It is a truism to say that cultural trends which begin in America will, in due course, reach Britain.
On the other hand, cultural trends began to change as well — with Elvis Presley in the US, and the Beatles in the UK (a couple of years later), a big cultural rebellion started against the dominant traditional cultural patterns.
But the fact is that long - term cultural trends will not be slaked by a single midterm convulsion.
Jane Curtain is a French blogger who depicts cultural trends from all over the world.
Now his retrospective makes cultural trends all the harder to pin down.
Social insularity, cultivation of personal celebrity and a relativistic approach to facts and fictions are among a panoply of cultural trends if not created then at least accelerated by online communication, among other factors.
There are times when trolling seems like a troubling cultural trend, one that is causing decay in society, but there are times when trolling is totally warranted, valid, and maybe even a little helpful.
There's a new cultural trend on a precipitous rise: spending money in the name of «self - care.»
Bultmann himself provided a pre-established rapprochement with the dominant cultural trend in Germany centring in the existentialism of Martin Heidegger.
In its absence, the deep and accelerating cultural trends toward individualism and autonomy have continued to erode trust in social institutions — business, government, church, and even the family.
Many of the current «young evangelical» writers grew up in the «60s, and could not resist the perceived cogency of certain cultural trends — for instance, racial and sexual equality, or nonviolence.
To the extent that some current cultural trends contain elements that would curtail the proclamation of these truths, whether constricting it within the limits of a merely scientific rationality, or suppressing it in the name of political power or majority rule, they represent a threat not just to Christian faith, but also to humanity itself...
The celebration of individualism is a third cultural trend.
These days, there are no Christians with currency as intellectuals, which is to say as articulate public voices who interpret present political and cultural trends for a broad, educated audience.
That said, the article, I'd argue, represents precisely what you suggest: it's an attempt to discuss, in frank terms, enduring cultural trends that — if exposed, examined, and dragged into the sunlight once in a while — have less chance of thriving than if allowed to fester in dark corners.
The answer is that they were confronted in the first place with vast cultural trends such as technological advance, professionalization, and secularism that they could not easily control; and their problem was made the worse by pressures of cultural pluralism and Christian ethical principles that made it awkward if not impossible for them to take any decisive stand against the secularizing trends.
Continuing cultural trends toward demanding more satisfactory evidence for belief and greater help on human problems have consequences for both conservative and liberal churches.
This analysis of cultural trends further underscores the seriousness of the threat inherent in organized groups within liberal churches which aim to transform their denominations into more conservative churches, or at least to blunt their liberal witness.
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