Sentences with phrase «culture and community»

We can adapt our services to meet the needs of a wide range of cultures and community groups.
Have a contest where you post baby pictures of students / staff have in the comments have folks guess who they are building school culture and community.
We are going to talk about interracial dating websites, which are the unique platforms that help people start their romantic relation with someone hailing from different culture and community.
Although the districts are recognizable as being part of the same great nation, they are all home to varied cultures and communities.
Companies and individuals are seeking culture and community when they see office space.
Soft sentences do nothing to tackle gang culture and community breakdown.
We're living in a time when separation and attack have destroyed cultures and communities, and ended countless lives.
I think fashion can be such an awesome way to connect cultures and communities.
If done well, it raises the level of discourse, builds professional culture and community, and models the pedagogical philosophies we want to see in classrooms.
This really builds a class culture and a community of learners.
Here are 8 top tips to help you create an effective corporate eLearning culture and community.
He delivers an emotionally charged display of African American culture and community.
Families need culture and community acknowledged in authentic ways.
We help teachers strengthen their connection to students by helping them understand their students in the context of culture and community.
Other programs may focus on staff development and learning to support a positive school culture and community.
In some important respects, moreover, carving out room for cultures and communities still shaped by a basic Judeo - Christian orientation is about more than protecting religious minorities.
Aboriginal and Torres Straight Islanders We recognise the important role of culture and community in the lives of Aboriginal and Torres Straight Islander people, including children.
The seven guiding ideas that underpin the resource strengthen connections with culture and community.
Editor's note: This post is co-authored by Gabrielle Smith, Dean of School Culture and Community at Washington Heights Expeditionary Learning School.
Growing up as part of a multi-racial family in South Seattle, Alan has been committed to bringing diverse cultures and communities together since his early days.
A Theoretical Exploration of Culture and Community Health: Implications for Prevention, Research, and Problem Gambling
Learning is scripted and disconnected from culture and community.
History In Scotland a programme called «Outdoor Journeys» take students on a tour of their local area and asks them to apply their local knowledge and understanding to broader historical themes to help them understand how local culture and community evolved.
Then parents feel important and valued and overcome language barriers and improve culture and community
Throughout Leading Together, school leadership teams will benefit from four key development opportunities in order to create a professional, sustainable learning culture and community:
We're traveling to document the people, the pioneering culture and the community experience of this dynamic movement that is redefining home and the American Dream.
He edits Substance & Style D.C, a blog about culture and community.
The Ed School community comes together to celebrate culture and community at this year's Multicultural Festival in the Gutman Conference Center.
From their studios to the Bushwig mainstage, these artists are creating culture and community that is unapologetically rebellious, ferociously beautiful and superbly queer.
Skills for Life work alongside Skills for Curriculum (literacy, numeracy, the arts, STEM and other curriculum areas) that are placed within the individual interests, collective culture and communities of the children and their families.
The government of Alberta (Ministry of Culture and Community Spirit) proposes to amend that province's Human Rights, Citizenship and Multiculturalism Act by requiring school boards to inform parents when the curriculum deals with religion, sexuality or sexual orientation.
Advance the role of Aboriginal culture and communities in improving health and development outcomes.
Replicating high quality programs with fidelity requires a supportive environment, where program objectives are reinforced by organizational culture and a community service network.
In many cultures and communities around the world breastfeeding into toddlerhood and childhood is not only normal but expected.
Psychology incorporates discussions that reflect the diversity within the discipline, as well as the diversity of cultures and communities across the globe...
We can adapt our services to meet the needs of a wide range of cultures and community groups, including through the use of interpreters.
Wynn Resorts Announces Executive Leadership Appointment To Head Culture And Community Department
Therefore, the key is not necessarily to immediately force people to act as if they're happy when they're devastated, but rather promote an overall culture and community that accepts failure as a means to self - improvement.
«Most startups don't have culture and community yet, so they can go into a facility and instantly become part of a community and make connections with other young workers,» Lam says.
We discuss micro and macro community, groupthink, the importance of mentoring and masterminds, being intentional about engaging the right culture and community, how to find true community, and much more.
Christian Bauman, from WUN Systems, explains why technology in coworking spaces should be centered around workspace culture and community.
Chattanooga is home to a collaborative and innovative culture and community unlike any city of it's size.
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