Sentences with phrase «culture model induces»

The Christ - without - culture model induces contentment with being a subculture.

Not exact matches

This tentative model for understanding the causes of problem drinking is offered in the report of the Cooperative Commission on the Study of Alcoholism: «An individual who (1) responds to beverage alcohol in a certain way, perhaps physiologically determined, by experiencing intense relief and relaxation, and who (2) has certain personality characteristics, such as difficulty in dealing with and overcoming depression, frustration, and anxiety, and who (3) is a member of a culture in which there is both pressure to drink and culturally induced guilt and confusion regarding what kinds of drinking behavior are appropriate, is more likely to develop trouble than will most other people.»
Those doses were chosen in analogy with the prion field, in which it is very common to observe that 1 % and 0.1 % tissue homogenate containing prion protein aggregates is able to induce pathological changes both in cell culture experiments and in in vivo animal models.
We use neuronal cultures, induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells and transgenic and gene - targeted mouse models to study the differential effects of apoE3 and apoE4 on cell signaling pathways and cytoskelatal structure and function at molecular, cellular and behavioral levels.
Nakano S, Nagasawa T, Ijiro T, Inada Y, Tamura T, Maruyama K, Kuroda J, Yamazaki Y, Kusama H, Shibata N. Bezafibrate prevents hepatic stellate cell activation and fibrogenesis in a murine steatohepatitis model, and suppresses fibrogenic response induced by transforming growth factor - beta1 in a cultured stellate cell line.
As bioinformatics approaches can only provide partial solutions, a functional analysis pipeline, based on primary (fibroblast) cell cultures, induced Pluripotent Stem cells (iPS) or simple model organisms, is truly essential.
Some phytochemicals which induce the Keap1 / Nrf2 pathway and have demonstrated protective effects in both neuron tissue culture and animal models of Parkinson's and neurodegenerative disease include:
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