Sentences with phrase «culture of learning by»

After experiencing the culture and strategies embraced at Startup Edu SF, I couldn't help but wonder: what if education could harness this do - it - yourself (DIY) culture of learning by creating?

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Certainly many entrepreneurs could learn a thing or two by injecting more of it into their company cultures.
Foster a culture of communal learning and support by modeling an attitude of seeking help.
Even if your company has a strong mission, a learning culture with smart people to learn from and lots of growth opportunities, it's very difficult to know what it's like to work there by reading your job listing and looking at your marketing website.
People need to learn to be more tolerant of other cultures and not judge people by their own ethics.
Or... you can put asside your prophecies of doom & gloom, praying and hoping for God to smite all the yellow, black & brown people who don't believe the way you do anyway, and attempt to make peace with your neighbors, not by converting them at swordpoint, but accepting them and learning about their cultures and traditions and give them as much respect as you want them to show you.
If Catholics in the United States are going to be healers of our wounded culture, we're going to have to learn to see the world through lenses ground by biblical faith.
What we meant to model was the sending of one of our number to be a foreign missionary — to learn a new language, to understand a local culture, to sacrifice the amenities of affluence and to live knowing that he or she is always being watched by seekers — while the rest of us stay here as lifetime local missionaries, learning to speak the language of the unchurched, understanding secular culture, sacrificing the amenities of affluence and living as a «watched» person in a society that is skeptical of Christian spirituality until it sees the real thing on display.
I learned this not from a class in feminist studies, but from Jesus — who was brought into the world by a woman whose obedience changed everything; who revealed his identity to a scorned woman at a well; who defended Mary of Bethany as his true disciple, even though women were prohibited from studying under rabbis at the time; who obeyed his mother; who refused to condemn the woman caught in adultery to death; who looked to women for financial and moral support, even after the male disciples abandoned him; who said of the woman who anointed his feet with perfume that «wherever this gospel is preached throughout the world, what she has done will also be told, in memory of her»; who bantered with a Syrophoenician woman, talked theology with a Samaritan woman, and healed a bleeding woman; who appeared first before women after his resurrection, despite the fact that their culture deemed them unreliable witnesses; who charged Mary Magdalene with the great responsibility of announcing the start of a new creation, of becoming the Apostle to the Apostles.
It seems fairly arrogant to so diverge from three centuries of native language interpretation in favor of that which was learned in a classroom separated from the real use of language and culture by millennia.
... In terms of church culture, people learn this prayer by heart as children.If you tweak the translation, you risk disrupting the pattern of communal prayer.
One learns best, however, by doing it oneself, perhaps starting out with a limited inquiry focused on one of the following elements in parish culture:
I embraced their culture, learned their language, the basics to get by and I felt I earned their respect as a result, I was welcomed into their homes, to their weddings I felt none of what you felt.
Using as examples what he saw as the crusaders» thuggish disruption of the equilibrium between civilized Islamic and Eastern Christian lands of the eastern Mediterranean, and their destruction of Byzantium, which they had originally set out to assist, thereby allowing the Ottoman Turks to subjugate half of Christendom, Runciman sought to show how civilization — any civilization — is imperiled once high culture, reason, learning, and moderation are challenged by violent greed and ignorance.
Advent allows me to learn the creation story of the Zuni people, to know what it means to see Christ in a culture that has been dismissed by America in every way.
What is most distinctive about us as an animal species is that all of our vital functions have been qualified and transformed by patterns of behavior we have learned from the culture into which we were born.
So when one learns that the Synod of Catholic cardinals and bishops summoned by the same Pope has returned the conversation to the culture wars of the West — though with unmistakable overtones of capitulation on many of the bishops» part — it is, to say no more, a disappointment.
An Emergent definition of relevance, modulated by resistance, might run something like this; relevance means listening before speaking; relevance means interpreting the culture to itself by noting the ways in which certain cultural productions gesture toward a transcendent grace and beauty; relevance means being ready to give an account for the hope that we have and being in places where someone might actually ask; relevance means believing that we might learn something from those who are most unlike us; relevance means not so much translating the churches language to the culture as translating the culture's language back to the church; relevance means making theological sense of the depth that people discover in the oddest places of ordinary living and then using that experience to draw them to the source of that depth (Augustine seems to imply such a move in his reflections on beauty and transience in his Confessions).
No; what makes one's pulse to bound when he remembers his own home under foreign skies, is never the rich man, nor the learned man, nor the distinguished man of any sort who - illustrates its history, for in all these petty products almost every country may favorably, at all events tediously, compete with our own; but it is all simply the abstract manhood itself of the country, man himself unqualified by convention, the man to whom all these conventional men have been simply introductory, the man who — let me say it — for the first time in human history finding himself in his own right the peer of every other man, spontaneously aspires and attains to a far freer and profounder culture of his nature than has ever yet illustrated humanity...
If our account of alienation as a repeating process is reliable, then the American Catholic institutions of higher education are nearing the end of a process of formal detachment from accountability to their church, and instead of exerting themselves to oblige that church to be a more credible patron of higher learning, they are qualifying for acceptance by and on the terms of the secular academic culture, and are likely soon to hand over their institutions unencumbered by any compromising accountability to the church.
The assimilative force of the dominant culture is so great that few minority cultures are in position to learn from it without being absorbed by it.
In the context of human society, it means that different cultures can learn from one another and be enriched and transformed by what they learn.
Indeed the whole of culture, in the sense of acquired information that is handed from generation to generation by learning, is that sort of experience.
god is not real, the GLOBAL flood never happened, and jesus was just a delusional schizophrenic in a long line of delusional schizophrenics who left him a legacy of delusions to base his off of... The legacy is known today as jewish mysticism, jesus was after all a jew and he grew up like every other jew did — by learning his culture and history of his people — they keep records, RELIGIOUSLY!
In accepting the other as other we have to learn to respect other race, the other sex, other religions and cultures, and not be a party to the exploitation of one by another.
We must not run from culture, but watch, observe, and learn from culture, believing that God is at work there just as He is at work in our own lives, and that the needs and issues of culture can be championed by the church.
By tracing the journey of bananas from tropical farms in Honduras to their breakfast tables, students will learn about the origin of one of their favorite foods and how they are connected to ecosystems and cultures that may seem very distant.
Inspired by her company's culture of education and her commitment to sharing knowledge, Stir's open kitchen setting offers an opportunity to learn and taste in a convivial environment through its cooking demonstrations and wine classes.
The aspect of the sport that Miles has learned to appreciate the most is the drivers» mass appeal to a culture that is ever - fascinated by the daring and the extreme.
Fever Pitch is about the quotidian and what one man can learn about himself by participating in the national obsession; The Soccer Diaries starts with a child in search of something thoroughly other, a citizen cheating on his own country's sporting culture.
Learn more about the changing the culture of competitive youth sports, as explained by sports expert and educator John O'Sullivan.
This learning curve is often made steeper by the fact that in today's culture, many of us grow up never having seen a child breastfeeding before.
Where I have worked, in equatorial Africa, by the age of eight or nine, children, almost all of whom have been sibling or cousin caretakers at times when mothers have not taken babies in a back sling to work in a field or do another task, know everything there is to know about raising a baby in their culture except what one learns through the direct experience of breastfeeding.
In addition to American folk music, the songs and dances you'll learn will offer your students a breadth of diverse cultural riches, brought to you by a teacher who has done extensive research into dances of many cultures.
He said a lot of lessons have been learnt over the years, through neglect and the poor maintenance and management culture suffered by sports infrastructure in the country such as the...
Lifelong Learning: Adapting to a flexible labor force and to structural changes in the economy as well as greater investment by job seekers, workers, and businesses in lifelong learning needs to become a part of the business Learning: Adapting to a flexible labor force and to structural changes in the economy as well as greater investment by job seekers, workers, and businesses in lifelong learning needs to become a part of the business learning needs to become a part of the business culture.
Learning to lead 9 April 2015 A conference organized by students and postdocs introduces young scientists to the culture of biotech and the challenges of working in the field.
Culture Accordingly, the researchers discussed how an oversized brain led to culture, a product of thinking and social learning facilitated by language, creativity and innoCulture Accordingly, the researchers discussed how an oversized brain led to culture, a product of thinking and social learning facilitated by language, creativity and innoculture, a product of thinking and social learning facilitated by language, creativity and innovation.
In her new book Now You See It, Cathy N. Davidson — a self - identified «student of the Internet» — uses infant language learning to argue that our attention is strongly guided by experience and culture.
More recently, a report by Kevin N. Laland of the University of St. Andrews in Scotland and his colleagues in Nature Reviews Genetics, building on an earlier proposal by Robert Boyd of the University of California, Los Angeles, and Peter J. Richerson of U.C. Davis, argued that human culture, defined as any learned behavior, including technology, has been the dominant natural selection force on modern humans.
Using new theoretical results and experiments on neuronal cultures, a group of scientists, led by Prof. Ido Kanter, of the Department of Physics and the Gonda (Goldschmied) Multidisciplinary Brain Research Center at Bar - Ilan University, has demonstrated that the central assumption for nearly 70 years that learning occurs only in the synapses is mistaken.
By learning the rules, priorities and expectations of our culture, we may be able to take advantage of generations of acquired wisdom without really understanding why.
Such observations give biologists richer insights into animal behavior, others say, and might help researchers learn more about the roots of human culture by clarifying what makes it distinctive.
By going abroad one may also demonstrate the ability to adapt to another culture, another way of working, learn a new language — and still be productive.
By comparing the genomes to one another as well as to those of nearly 240 previously studied ancient people from nearby regions and about 2,600 present - day people, the researchers learned that the first farming cultures in the Levant, Iran and Anatolia were all genetically distinct.
But if you strip away all the paraphernalia then really what culture is about at its core is about innovations that are not encoded in the genome somehow and are passed on, not by genetic transmission, and are not sort of shaped by natural selection, which is the normal stuff of evolution; but it is transmitted socially through social learning.
Instead, the variety of environments in which humans seem to thrive highlights the «extraordinary level of adaptive plasticity afforded by our capacities for learning and culture,» Laland and his co-authors noted in their paper.
Learning to resist fitness culture after being immersed for it in years (and continuing to be surrounded by it by virtue of the world we live in) is hard work.
Learn from studies of indigenous cultures • Good & Bad Fats: the roll they play in immune health, mineral absorption and joint health • Cultured foods: good bacteria, healthy digestion • Remove naturally occurring plant toxins in grains, nuts, & legumes • Experts show you step - by - step how to make these timeless foods • Tasty samples of everything presented!
If you're in the process of healing your gut or have healed it by going off grains... you simply must learn about the magic of sprouting, soaking and fermenting which are the methods ancestral cultures used to prepare grains in order to consume them without ill effect.
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