Sentences with phrase «culture of their particular family»

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Parents will ransack attics for pieces of fabric — the more brilliant and exotic the better — and someone in the family will create a costume that will be linked to no particular age or time or culture but will somehow speak of far - off places, distant shores, desert sands and starry skies — all at the same time.
The counseling center is like a laboratory, in which people are learning intensively year after year and gaining a deeper understanding of the problems of the people and their family life in that particular culture.
While each of St Benedict's twelve steps of humility (which are listed below) have a strong message of their own, the second step in particular is quite a striking one, being of great importance in today's society which is so full of consumerism, family breakdowns, celebrity culture, social media, vanity and many other problems and challenges.
The gospel always comes wrapped in a particular language, particular customs and traditions and ways of doing things, particular unwritten rules about politics and religion and the family — in other words, in a particular culture.
The Royals as victims of unfair public pressure («the system is unfair to the Royals themselves as much as anybody» is a more powerful one post-the 1990s, and with our particular form of celebrity culture (which the Royals have themselves used post the 1960s with the first family argument).
Similarly diverse are the metaphors of time, memory, and family that can be relevant to any culture but which have particular poignancy for those who experienced China in the second half of the 20th century.
To recognize the effects of family culture on the style and direction of a family foundation, Chapter 1 will look at four particular cultural attributes: values, norms, traditions and conformity.
Justice Wilcox found that in 1829 the claim area was occupied and used by «Aboriginal people who spoke dialects of a common language and who acknowledged and observed a common body of laws and customs».47 He accepted that what united and distinguished them from neighbouring groups was a «commonality of belief, language, custom and material culture».48 Though sub-groups or families exercised particular rights and responsibilities for particular areas to which they «belonged», those rights and responsibilities arose from a wider normative system that operated within the broader Noongar society.49 The rights of the sub-group were burdened by the entitlement of others to access land for various purposes.50
Some of the issues Ewa has particular interest and experience in working with include: sexual satisfaction and communication, impact of parenthood on family dynamics, parenting, working with same sex and non monogamous couples, impact of culture and religion on individuals and families and many more.
Any particular experiences within the child's family, school, community or culture that may be influencing the behaviours of concern.
The General Assembly, Guided by the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations, and good faith in the fulfilment of the obligations assumed by States in accordance with the Charter, Affirming that indigenous peoples are equal to all other peoples, while recognizing the right of all peoples to be different, to consider themselves different, and to be respected as such, Affirming also that all peoples contribute to the diversity and richness of civilizations and cultures, which constitute the common heritage of humankind, Affirming further that all doctrines, policies and practices based on or advocating superiority of peoples or individuals on the basis of national origin or racial, religious, ethnic or cultural differences are racist, scientifically false, legally invalid, morally condemnable and socially unjust, Reaffirming that indigenous peoples, in the exercise of their rights, should be free from discrimination of any kind, Concerned that indigenous peoples have suffered from historic injustices as a result of, inter alia, their colonization and dispossession of their lands, territories and resources, thus preventing them from exercising, in particular, their right to development in accordance with their own needs and interests, Recognizing the urgent need to respect and promote the inherent rights of indigenous peoples which derive from their political, economic and social structures and from their cultures, spiritual traditions, histories and philosophies, especially their rights to their lands, territories and resources, Recognizing also the urgent need to respect and promote the rights of indigenous peoples affirmed in treaties, agreements and other constructive arrangements with States, Welcoming the fact that indigenous peoples are organizing themselves for political, economic, social and cultural enhancement and in order to bring to an end all forms of discrimination and oppression wherever they occur, Convinced that control by indigenous peoples over developments affecting them and their lands, territories and resources will enable them to maintain and strengthen their institutions, cultures and traditions, and to promote their development in accordance with their aspirations and needs, Recognizing that respect for indigenous knowledge, cultures and traditional practices contributes to sustainable and equitable development and proper management of the environment, Emphasizing the contribution of the demilitarization of the lands and territories of indigenous peoples to peace, economic and social progress and development, understanding and friendly relations among nations and peoples of the world, Recognizing in particular the right of indigenous families and communities to retain shared responsibility for the upbringing, training, education and well - being of their children, consistent with the rights of the child, Considering that the rights affirmed in treaties, agreements and other constructive arrangements between States and indigenous peoples are, in some situations, matters of international concern, interest, responsibility and character, Considering also that treaties, agreements and other constructive arrangements, and the relationship they represent, are the basis for a strengthened partnership between indigenous peoples and States, Acknowledging that the Charter of the United Nations, the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (2) and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, 2 as well as the Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action, (3) affirm the fundamental importance of the right to self - determination of all peoples, by virtue of which they freely determine their political status and freely pursue their economic, social and cultural development, Bearing in mind that nothing in this Declaration may be used to deny any peoples their right to self - determination, exercised in conformity with international law, Convinced that the recognition of the rights of indigenous peoples in this Declaration will enhance harmonious and cooperative relations between the State and indigenous peoples, based on principles of justice, democracy, respect for human rights, non-discrimination and good faith, Encouraging States to comply with and effectively implement all their obligations as they apply to indigenous peoples under international instruments, in particular those related to human rights, in consultation and cooperation with the peoples concerned,
In Seattle in particular, we have such a wonderful mix of families from every country and culture coming into our city to try and make a life for themselves.
In particular, new funding and programs have been introduced for organisations such as Link - Up; mental health counselling; family reunion services; parenting support programs; programs to preserve Indigenous languages and culture; oral history recordings; and for the archiving of records.
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