Sentences with phrase «culture other than one's own»

Students are encouraged through the scheme to analyse 3 dimensional artwork and vessels from cultures other than their own.
Use your screen time together by discovering the richness of cultures other than your own.
He seeks to achieve a new kind of objectivity by identifying himself in patience and sincerity with cultures other than his own.
I plan to travel soon, want to visit other countries and experience different cultures other than American.
Once again, sexual self - disclosure in cultures other than North America may well involve different constructs and dimensions; such differences, however, have not been investigated.
CNN has sensitivity for every religious culture other than Christianity.
In our hallways, we can hear different languages being spoken and students sit next to each other in the dining rooms, sharing and learning about cultures other than their own.
«From the beginning, it seems, Pat Lay has been fascinated by the unfamiliar, by cultures other than her own, especially from distant regions of the world.
For all its prosperity, the city - state is disquietingly sterile and seems to lack a soul or culture other than pursuit of profit.
And one of the great things about living in a global village is being able to enjoy the delights cultures other than...
Such an exchange will also help users of the website to gain insight into cultures other than their own by discovering success or failure at effectively communicating a message to unknown receivers on Earth.
This is shown in students» lack of understanding and respect for cultures other than their own and the school is not doing enough to improve matters.
They capitalized on the international nature of IB's curriculum, assessments and approach, even offering advanced classes in cultures other than English, to widen the circle of students enrolled in challenging classes.
Working with a group of teachers, Florio - Ruane and Raphael used ethnic autobiographies, written by authors to illustrate cultures other than late 20th century white America, combined with a context for discussion around these books new to many teachers — «Literary Circles.»
Well - meaning friends often have misconceptions about people from cultures other than their own, whether by birthplace, heritage, sexual orientation, or socio - economic class.
How are we to make of Jesus, God, the Sprite, the church and its task and mission in a society shaped by religious cultures other than that of Christianity?
In the first place, Merton shared, from an early period in his life, a marked interest in cultures other than those of western Europe.
It was surprised by the friendliness of these young girls and they seemed genuinely eager to learn about cultures other than their own.
In the twentieth century this process of accommodation has proceeded, and has involved further questions on the one hand about «God», and on the other about the religious and spiritual traditions of cultures other than the European.
Finally, for those dealing with a religion or a culture other than their own, there is the currently fashionable approach that might perhaps best be described as deferential.
So, you are a black person dating another black person who is from a culture other than yours?
It can be a daunting adventure, but dating somebody from a culture other than your own can be a hugely rewarding experience.
«Also, I want my kids to value a culture other than their own.
Our extensive language programme has enriched the student experience of learning, enabling all to improve their knowledge of languages and cultures other than their own.
Developing cultural competence, the ability to successfully teach students who come from a culture or cultures other than one's own, is fundamental to becoming a skilled teacher.
In the Classroom: Using Blue Beetle, v. 1, Ms. Marvel, v. 1, or Ultimate Comics Spider - Man, v. 1, have students create their own superhero character based on a culture other than their own.
One key informant conducted a study in which he found that people from cultures other than the «traditional» Canadian culture were only about half as likely to enroll in programs, even if they were available in their own community.
Proposals to improve and adapt questionnaire are discussed with a view to make it applicable to cultures other than the one it was developed.
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