Sentences with phrase «culture phenomenon of»

Jessica Brown - Findlay Among the unlikeliest pop - culture phenomenons of the last few years is the enormous American success of the British period drama «Downton Abbey,» which has gripped both the U.S. and the U.K since it premiered late in 2010.
You may not be keeping up with the pop culture phenomenons of blood - sucking vampires, high school glee clubs, and Dan Brown novels, but chances are good that someone on your list is.

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«Madden has been a pop culture phenomenon for quite some time,» said Detroit Lions Hall of Fame running back and Madden NFL 25 cover athlete Barry Sanders.
«The basic issue is building a culture of philanthropy — that is a very U.S. type of phenomenon.
He added: «The mafia phenomenon, which is the expression of a culture of death, must be resisted and fought.»
It seemed harmless at the time, but thanks to a very young internet video - posting site called YouTube, the image of Cruise on top of Oprah's couch would become a pop - culture phenomenon.
Blevins told CNBC in March that he makes more than $ 500,000 per month playing «Fortnite» — a world building, survival game that's currently one of the hottest pop culture phenomenons.
The phrase went viral, sparking a pop culture phenomenon akin to «Wassup» and «I Love You, Man» phrases from commercials of years past — printed on T - shirts and used in memes online.
The «demand - side» view attributes the unbanked phenomenon to cultural determinants (i.e. the poor may distrust financial institutions or may not have a «culture of saving») or to a lack of financial literacy.
According to Tracy Lambert and her fellow researchers («Pluralistic Ignorance and Hooking Up,» 2003), there is a phenomenon of «pluralistic ignorance» surrounding hookup culture, in which «most students believe others [hookup] primarily because they enjoy doing so, while they see themselves engaging in these behaviors primarily due to peer pressure.»
I have had fun watching the phenomena of swearing in many cultures and seeing the types who do and who don't.
We understand now that this is a natural phenomenon resulting form the way in which fungal spores distribute themselves, but prior to scientific understanding of fungal reproduction, various cultures concocted supernatural explanations.
This was the only commodity Frost and Eliot were capable of producing: the modernist phenomenon as product, mass culture's ultimate revenge on those who would scorn it.»
Without such regularity in physical phenomena there could be no probability to guide us: no prediction, no prudence, no accumulation of ordered experience, no pursuit of premeditated ends, no formation of habit, no possibility of character or of culture.
One of the major «means of the transmission and diffusion of imperial ideology» was the construction, throughout the empire, of buildings associated with the pursuit of specifically Roman forms of leisure: public baths, circuses, amphitheatres, and Roman - style theatres — a phenomenon recognized as one of the defining features of Roman culture (both by the Romans themselves and by others).
Although patronage certainly was not the all - pervasive phenomenon so often assumed by classical and New Testament scholars, and was functionally insignificant for most, it was a prominent component of imperial culture and a means by which the rule of the emperors was conceptualized and sustained.
This can be said in spite of the fact that it must also be said that secularism is a very widespread phenomenon of our culture, and secularism means conformity to the world, the organization of life as if God did not exist.
The belief that man possesses a soul, or some kind of spiritual entity that survives death, is itself an almost universal phenomenon in primitive human culture and it has led to different kinds of development in more mature human civilizations.
Yogi's Space Race is a kind of take - off on Star Wars and other popular - culture phenomena.
First, it assumes sexual assault, harassment, and abuse are recent phenomena, products of egalitarian views on gender that grant women equality in the home, church, and culture.
P.S. I do think my Songbook deserves to eventually win for itself a significant place among the works seeking to interpret the overall rock phenomena, but for now it remains a peculiar feature of Postmodern Conservative, and unknown to those who would most benefit from it, the handful of sane pop - culture theorists, and the more general class of intellectually open rock hipsters.
The evidence for this phenomenon is incontestable: the influx of non «SBC evangelical scholars into Baptist seminaries; the changing of the name of the Baptist Sunday School Board to the more generic LifeWay Christian Resources; the presence and high profile of non «Baptist leaders on SBC platforms, e.g., the closing message at the 1998 SBC delivered by Dr. James Dobson, a Nazarene; the aggressive participation of the SBC's Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission as an advocate for the conservative side of the culture wars conflict; new patterns of cooperation between SBC mission boards and evangelical ministries such as Promise Keepers, Campus Crusade for Christ, the National Association of Evangelicals, Prison Fellowship, and World Vision.
Unlike the idea of culture as a consensus - forming social phenomenon that resists change, the postmodern spirit is more impressed by the lack of consensus in cultures and by the dynamics for social change that already exist in cultures.
Students may still be encouraged to come to their judgments as to what is the best way to study the phenomenon of religion, the solution of certain historical puzzles, the relation of religion to other aspects of culture, and so forth.
Barr writes generally to the point, and often discerningly, as he delineates the «religious basis» of fundamentalism; surveys its attitudes toward such diverse phenomena as politics, science, culture, Zionism and Roman Catholicism; catalogues such variations as Pentecostalism, Calvinist and Arminian conflicts, and millennialism; and probes its anti-ecumenical and anticritical ethos.
I do not believe it is merely by chance that all cultures assume the existence of something that might be called the «Memory of Being,» in which everything is constantly recorded, and that they assume the related existence of supra - personal authorities or principles that not only transcend man but to which he constantly relates, and which are the sole, final explanation of a phenomenon as particular as human responsibility.
The power of the television industry has acted in this way to shape the public perception of American religious life and culture, not so much by the creation of a particular phenomenon, but by the selective promotion of one particular expression over another in a way that distorts the factual situation.
Each culture is a living, changing phenomenon, and it changes as a result of human thought and decision - making.
Understanding the phenomenon of the electronic church is one of the the best ways to understand the dilemmas confronting religion in our culture.
Farrell comments: «In this famous passage, Faust again reenacts the Enlightenment's annihilation of traditional, religious, and metaphysical culture and at the same time curses the results: the mind recognizes itself as a slave of «make - belief,» of «smug» self - delusion; it recognizes the phenomena of the natural world as no more than a source of distraction and confusion; and, given these recognitions, heroism, family life, love, even greed and intoxication lose their allure, nor can the Christian virtues offer consolation.
In fact, when social scientists contemplate the mutually conditioning relations among human development, family structures, law, commerce, and the overall culture, their situation is similar to that of natural scientists trying to make sense of such complex phenomena as the long - range weather or turbulence in fluids.
The practice of giving names to religious traditions is likewise a modem phenomenon, as Wilfred Cantwell Smith has pointed out, 4 and it derives from the growing awareness of other cultures and civilizations.
This, however, is not an isolated phenomenon, but has to be placed within the wider context of the globalization of culture and the attempts at standardisation, which has stimulated the attempt to rediscover the local and the indigenous.
[t] here is a «good ambiguity» in the phenomenon of expression, a spontaneity which accomplishes what appeared to be impossible when we observed only the separate elements, a spontaneity which gathers together the plurality of monads, the past and the present, nature and culture into a single whole.
Money may be the nearest thing we have to the bottom line in our culture, but we take it for granted that people just don't study the phenomenon of money and its history and systems.
We must not hide our eyes from the fact that what we have called secularization is an entirely new phenomenon in human history, that it has been brought about by a number of new factors in human knowledge, the more important of which we have looked at, and that for these reasons a secularized culture has come to stay, at least in some form.
European culture was long distinguished by the thoroughness with which it coerced labor out of its population — slavery and industrialization, phenomena equally indifferent to such inconveniences as considerations of family, were natural extensions of feudalism, only more ambitious and ingenious in their exactions.
The hip worship band phenomenon is a product of the babyboom culture, and hopefully will pass with it.
1989 was the same summer that Spike Lee's race - relations film, DO THE RIGHT THING came out, I had just read Malcolm X's Autobiography for a class, my IVCF chapter was more and more seeking to explore the implications of «multi-ethnicity» for campus ministry, and as a college radio DJ I had been exposed to more of the best rap than most white suburbanites — that is, a number of threads came together for me at that time to allow me to be a right - on - the - sidelines spectator of the rap youth culture phenomenon.
argued that all humans could really know was their own experience, and that on the basis of some apparently common features of particular experiences, those who had control of a culture could give names to — could «nominalize» — some general phenomena to organize them for the sake of what would make sense to their own experience.
The extraordinary phenomenon of the sustained birth of modern science in Western culture, however, is linked with meticulous investigation to the cultural influence of monotheism and the Christian doctrine of creation exnihilo - a doctrine which both upheld the contingent, linear development of creation and its rationality through the existence of the physical laws of nature, or «secondary causes», without thereby undermining God's omnipotence.
Peter G. Horsfield believes that widespread interest in religious television crested in 1976 with the election of a Southern Baptist to the presidency of the United States and that this phenomenon has manifested «a marked imbalance in the presentation of American religious faith and culture,» Religious Television: The American Experience (White Plains, N ~ Y.: Longman, 1984), xiii - xiv.
The Culture Itself in Crisis Overall, OTWTL examines the culture of modernity as a given phenCulture Itself in Crisis Overall, OTWTL examines the culture of modernity as a given phenculture of modernity as a given phenomenon.
For example, the historical and theological areas may be combined into an area described as «Interpretation of Christianity» while the older «practical» field is divided into two, one dealing with «Church and Culture» (sociological, psychological, and philosophical studies of church phenomena in American culture) and the other dealing with the practice of ministry construed as the application of social scientific and psychological theory to clergy responsibiCulture» (sociological, psychological, and philosophical studies of church phenomena in American culture) and the other dealing with the practice of ministry construed as the application of social scientific and psychological theory to clergy responsibiculture) and the other dealing with the practice of ministry construed as the application of social scientific and psychological theory to clergy responsibilities.
«The new Ghostbusters is an iconic film that is loved by millions of people, and its return gave us a unique opportunity to create exciting menu items inspired by the pop culture phenomenon,» said John Eucalitto, president of Wayback Burgers.
«The new YO - KAI WATCH gummies are the perfect combination of strong taste appeal and playfulness, and we are thrilled to be partnering with a brand that is on the verge of becoming a pop culture phenomenon
I needed to investigate it, to look into the whole phenomenon of midwives and the long, storied culture of home birthing and I needed to figure it all out on my own.
Arya is a name that has been popular for a few years now thanks to pop culture phenomenon, Game of Thrones.
The buy - baby - buy phenomenon of modern consumer culture is not actually modern.
But the nurse should not be the focus of our scorn because, like me, she lives in a culture where posters of women posing in bikinis are absolutely normalised, where lingerie ads run across buses (sexy lingerie, not the practical stuff, of course), but where babies sucking on breasts are an invisible phenomenon.
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