Sentences with phrase «culture references only»

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And paradoxical though it may seem, it will be only as they are faithful to that frame of reference that any culture worthy of the name will survive in America
But in so far as the actual frames of reference for both are their respective national cultures, the possibility of comprehending each other is not only greatly reduced but may even be rendered nil.
For Dupré, Western culture's acquiescence in the materialist and positivist view of creation has resulted in such a profound neglect of the transcendent life that references to contemplation, meditation or mysticism only bring smiles of condescension or else incomprehension.
No one inhabits only one frame of reference, one community of interpretation, in our society and culture.
Pope Benedict to Pontifical Council for Culture Saturday 8th March 2008 Secularisation, which presents itself in cultures by imposing a world and humanity without reference to Transcendence... is not only an external threat to believers, but has been manifest for some time in the heart of the Church herself.
Colin, you are not only an excellent blogger, craftsman, artisan and dare I say, poet, but you are also a scholar of pop culture as demonstrated by your reference of probably one of the lamest blips of fame from this decade or the last (I can't remember which, but if my life was on the line, I'd guess the 90's).
Filled to the brim with pop - culture references, the amount of ways you have to escape all the pre-made prisons is only surpassed by the levels that came from the Steam Workshop.
The only difference, of course, is that Deadpool provides a running commentary, a few asides, and plenty of pop - culture references (which are more current than the previous movie, at least) throughout the course of the whole thing.
There are a multitude of references, not only to fairy tales, but also to today's pop culture.
The writers dropped a couple of references to «Airwolf» and «CHiPS,» and the feedback must've been encouraging, because since then, the references to 80's and early 90's pop culture have not only multiplied, but become increasingly esoteric.
In a dystopian future where everyone plays video games and makes references to «80s pop - culture, only one man can be the best at video games and «80s pop - culture references.
Reportedly, Maps To The Stars was written around the same time, only now finally making it to the screen; that explains why so many of the jokes feel moldy, despite constant updated pop - culture references (Anne Hathaway, Mad Men, Chuck Lorre, etc.).
MacFarlane has a very specific sense of humor, and the ridiculous, pop culture references and violent lunacy that make up 13 seasons — and two features so far — can only pull laughs from the audience for so long.
Amazingly, there's only one really good pop - culture reference.
A movie this full of so many pop culture references and sappy, glossy scenes of kid drama can only produce smiles of delight at how cheesy it all is.
Brought to you in 16 - bit pixelated glory, chock - full of references to not only gaming but also 80's and 90's pop culture.
Brought to you in all pixelated -16-bit-esque glory, full of references to not only gaming, but all of the pop culture from the 80's and 90's, better yet - with the mechanics of modern era gaming.
There are many easter eggs in this game which are not only a reference to the previous Gears Of Wars game but they also refer to pop culture and Hollywood productions.
Brought to you 16 - bit pixelated glory, full of references to not only gaming, but also 80's and 90's pop culture.
The bulletin boards that Tom Burr has been arranging since the late 1990s reference not only art historian Aby Warburg's Mnemosyne Atlas strategy of employing a black panel backdrop in order to heighten thematic arrangements of photographic images — including reproductions from books, and visual materials from newspapers and popular culture — but also reflect a setting typical of early cinematic and photographic motion studies.
Remixing art history with references to pop and black culture, Erizku takes a novel approach to not only his studio practice, but his exhibition tactics as well.
Not only does he turn ceramics on the wheel, he has made a series of watercolors based on Japanese pottery, inscribed in gold with references to Black culture.
He forged a distinctive, at times thrilling, brand from references to the high culture of the past, only rarely referring to contemporary events or issues.
Yet Palms is different from all these tropes; his references to American culture are only a pretext.
With all of their varied references, and the connections they make to black culture and the art world, the Obama portraits teach us not only to see African Americans differently, but also to look beyond likeness and expand our ideas of portraiture.
The Tobias Brothers draw on a diverse range of sources and imagery in the creation of their works, ranging from Russian Constructivism to pop culture, to art historical references, to name only a few.
Parker's biomorphic subjects not only reference the hallucinogenic psychedelia of American culture in the 1960's, but also historical and contemporary socio - political issues.
I think I find a similar dialogue taking place in Fiona Rae's paintings, only here the digital seems to be referenced more in the synthetic colours and the insertion of manufactured collaged elements from childish popular culture, girly stationery, stickers of cute cartoon pandas, her now familiar mixing of crass pop decor with the tropes of Abstract Expressionism, that continues to have the power to jar, entertain, and provoke.
Here the Lebowski reference is nicely placed in the context of Justice Debra Lehrmann's reasons because it reinforces judicial notice of how the «cornerstone of First Amendment protections» is reaffirmed not only in the various courts, but in popular culture.
I remember how my church in Quebec (1985) had a hard time when I became engaged with a white man... they told me we were not from the same culture (referencing at my colour) although I was raised in Quebec since the age of 5 like them, believed in the same thing, had no accent, spoke the same language French, was of mixed race and was the only black kid in the whole school and community.
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