Sentences with phrase «culture war here»

There really is now culture war here.
The distinguished sociologist of the University of Virginia and author of the acclaimed Culture Wars here undertakes a close examination of what, in theory and practice, «moral education» means in most American schools.

Not exact matches

What cracked the surface here, then, was the culture war being waged over same - sex marriage — not commitment to theological robustness and the essentials of the faith.
Rehabilitation here means not that of individual criminals but of entire societies that have suffered war or dictatorship, as when supporters of international tribunals describe punishment as «overcoming a culture of impunity.»
While I'm willing to agree with Michael Barone that at least some of the heat in the culture wars has been turned down a bit (but see this post for a qualification), a lot of interesting things have been said recently about marriage, some of which I noted here.
Bottum opines that we should prepare ourselves for the next chapter in the culture wars, in which the left here will get into step with its European compatriots, espousing a militant skepticism toward science while maintaining their polemic against the religious right, but this time for its uncritical embrace of scientific progress.
Schickel's work» represented here by 175 full - color photographs» brings us face - to - face with the concerns of our own culture war, especially as it is manifested in clashes between traditionalists and liberals in the Church over the past three decades.
«In the new 24/7 mediaverse, in a brutal, unending culture war, with the web unleashed and news and opinion flashing every few seconds, you can very easily lose yourself, and forget how and why you got here in the first place.
So what is at stake here is not just money but the contested intersection of religion, morality and sexual politics that has been going in recent years by the tagline of «the culture wars
And, here's a news flash, but culture wars are always based in religion.
The two cultures, she proposes, are best understood in terms of an «ethics gap,» and here she draws upon and reinforces the important work of sociologist James Davison Hunter, whose writings have done so much to give empirical substance to the culture war metaphor.
This I something we have discussed at length here on the blog in the past, (see «How to Win a Culture War and Lose a Generation») so I won't spend much more time on it here.
Here's the problem with fighting a culture war: Every war needs an enemy.
The story started in the culture wars of the 80s, and here we were in this great golden age of women's creative endeavors.
After breakfast transfer to Nebaj where accompanied by a local guide Ixil Maya visit the Museum and House of Culture, here you will find exposed ceramic vases, rocks, historical documents, clothing, and an urn with the remains of victims of the civil war, weapons and other items.
Again, there is no shortage of 80's pop culture here as there are Star Wars, Home Alone, and Transformers - inspired episodes.
The culture wars linger on, but the counterculture on display here seems largely a thing of the past.
He's not here to discuss solutions, but to bring his fantasy culture war to his imaginary enemies.
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