Sentences with phrase «culture zeitgeist»

«Brooklyn is a major part of the current pop culture zeitgeist, but there is not yet a comic series out there that truly represents the borough and the people who live there,» said JunKoo Kim, Founder and Head of LINE Webtoon.
was released in 2012, it had the weight of a legion of Suzanne Collins fans and pop culture zeitgeist behind it, but managed to be little more than a vaguely interesting (if derivative) story told in a mediocre fashion by director Gary Ross.
When the film adaptation of The Hunger Games was released in 2012, it had the weight of a legion of Suzanne Collins fans and pop culture zeitgeist behind it, but managed to be little more than a vaguely interesting (if derivative) story told in a mediocre fashion by director Gary Ross.
She and her team worked hard to bring new classic costumes into the pop culture zeitgeist.
While the 2016 - 2017 season didn't see any new show rise to Hamilton - like popularity — it's hard for any TV show, film or stage production to reach that level of pop culture zeitgeist — there are plenty of standout showcases of what fans have come to know and love about the New York City theater scene.
Meanwhile, Amazon sits just outside of the pop culture zeitgeist.

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Next to preppy golden child Kate Spade, Juicy Couture became lacklustre, but in its glory days the bedazzled track suiter to the stars captured the zeitgeist of celebrity culture.
It is refreshing when theologians» particularly evangelical theologians» take seriously the task of understanding culture, penetrate the assumptions that imbue the contemporary Zeitgeist, and offer a sustained critique of those assumptions.
Although he insists he was never persecuted and eschews the label of «victim,» Berger suggests that it was his rightward drift in political outlook» a drift away from the zeitgeist of the intellectual culture» that effectively exiled him from the elite institutions.
The apostle Paul was bound to the Zeitgeist of the Jewish culture he grew up in, but once we realize that, I think a good case can be made he was progressive in his theology.
In this regard it is clear that moral education, even in its diversity and its oppositions, is more a story about the legitimation of American culture than it is about its transformation; as in every generation in America, the substance of moral education has reflected the central assumptions and ideals of the prevailing zeitgeist.
The ultimate source of sartorial zeitgeist, brands like Chanel and Dior have been directing the narrative on body shape since the New Look - defining beauty on a global scale with aspirational body types the driving force behind a culture bred on being thin.
Earlier this month Google released its annual Zeitgeist List, a collection of the top Google searches for the last 365 days that reveal what defined the year in pop culture, politics, technology, and more.
Too close to the zeitgeist, the movie could well look a lot different to the culture years from now.
Beautifully rendered and assuredly directed, the film raises a lot of questions about the nature of damaged people in a culture of excess and non-stop barrage of information, capturing the zeitgeist in ways that no other film this year has done.
Rarely, however, do those movies weave themselves into the zeitgeist, affixing themselves into the general discourse that surrounds culture and horror.
The latest «effort» from Jason Friedberg and Aaron Seltzer, the guys responsible for Date Movie, Epic Movie and Meet the Spartans, is yet another bottom - feeding cash - grab that exploits current events, ridicules pop culture icons and compromises the integrity of the zeitgeist itself in order to create, oh, one - quarter to one - half of a funny joke within the shortest possible time frame that qualifies as a theatrical release.
Loaded with great performances and a smart script, Men, Women & Children is able to tap into the zeitgeist of our tech - obsessed culture yet it doesn't feel pedantic or forced.
Leo incorporates images of the changing youth culture, inspired as it was by the Civil Rights Movement, the Vietnam War, and free love — and demonstrates how The Beach Boys tried to fit into the Electric Kool Aid zeitgeist with their primary creative force (Brian) continuing his steady freefall into introspective madness.
Hanks wants to tap into the zeitgeist of the era — Larry is just another hard working citizen upended in the culture of economic instability and career turmoil — but the script (co-written with Nia Vardalos, who has a way of softening any material to inoffensive mush) lacks any sense of gravity.
SYNOPSIS: In a sub-genre that has swallowed up contemporary culture in a way that nobody saw coming when George A. Romero's groundbreaking films captured the Vietnam or consumerist zeitgeist of their respective eras, David Freyne's contribution to the -LSB-...]
Or, when taken with a larger whole, to understand that culture, that place, that zeitgeist.
Every year Stan Stalnaker and his team of global citizens gather their experiences around the world and summarize in this, their now famous Hub Culture's Zeitgeist Ranking, the cities that for a variety of reasons seem to be at the center of the Universe.
As we struggle to find ways to survive the current crisis and look at the leaders of the world to provide guidance, the latest Hub Culture 2009 Zeitgeist Ranking will come in handy as a tour of the cities that are better positioned to sustain an acceptable quality of life while providing plenty of opportunities -LSB-...]
The impulse to paint or sculpt what we see as reality is actually irrelevant to the current zeitgeist — finding something perpendicular to that impulse is where our culture should be going.
Natalie Baxter employs sewing and quilting techniques from her grandmother to create soft sculptures exploring Americana and the political zeitgeist; Paola Citterio creates pieces blending the traditional craftwork she learned from the women in her childhood home (knitting, sewing, felting and baking) with found objects from city streets; and Leslie Tucker translates her passion for satire, consumer culture, and decoding human nature into suggestive digital collages layered with meaning.
It is the first exhibition of its kind to focus on the intersection of indigenous cultures and zeitgeist digital practices in contemporary art.
Initially best known for his writing, since the early 1990's he has published several acclaimed novels, his first being the iconic Generation X: Tales for an Accelerated Culture which launched in 1991 and identified Coupland as a significant new voice able to skilfully capture the zeitgeist of the moment, or as he describes it: «the early 21st century condition».
Pencil and oil portraits of our culture's Zeitgeist — Patti Smith, Kanye West and Justin Bieber are displayed alongside Isa Genzken with still lives based around the late French sculptor Camille Claudel.
Sikkema Jenkins & Co. is currently showing Hewitt's work, in which the artist turns pop culture on its head by making juxtapositions like magazine spreads and family photoalbums, gesturing toward some space between the zeitgeist and collective memory.
Warhol was often criticized but in the end it was said that «Warhol had captured something irresistible about the zeitgeist of American culture in the 1970s.»
Networking the Unseen, which is currently on view at Furtherfield gallery, is the first exhibition of its kind to focus on the intersection of indigenous cultures and zeitgeist digital practices in contemporary art.
At the crossroads of multiple disciplines, their programs are curated to reflect the popular zeitgeist and contemporary culture while demonstrating the relevance and importance of design to everyday life.
Deftly mixing pop culture and political satire, former Juxtapoz cover artist Eric Yahnker serves as a virtual seismometer of the current cultural zeitgeist.
This luxurious tome studies the work of the photographer dubbed Mr Zeitgeist» by German magazine ART for his studies of youth culture.
Adendum 1 The Zeitgeist of our culture is Left Wing Progressivism, an anti-intellectual, anti-science, anti-liberty political ideology that runs on fear and envy with heaping amounts of nihilism and misanthropy.
The shift from a litigation culture chimed in with the family law zeitgeist more widely with the growth everywhere of mediation and collaborative lawyering: «we were inadvertent change agents,» Ms Mason said.
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