Sentences with phrase «cultures with»

As Dr. Weston A. Price (a dentist) found and detailed in Nutrition and Physical Degeneration, there were cultures throughout the world who had perfect teeth despite no access to dentists or modern toothpaste, while similar cultures with different diets had very high rates of tooth decay.
He found examples of cultures with similar genetic backgrounds with some living in primitive type societies and eating primitive type diets and others who ate a modernized diet.
Invariably, those cultures with the best dental health enjoyed the best overall health too.
We confirmed the ability of Fgf signalling to regulate the V+S + population by treating suspension cultures with the phosphatase inhibitor sodium vanadate to stimulate the FGF / Grb2 / Mek pathway.
As expected, treatment of HV cultures with PD173034 suppresses background levels of PrEn differentiation at the level of Gata6 and Nanog transcription (Figure 6A).
Hence, we obtained continuous quantitative data from the cultures with constant real - time feedback.
We also observed that single cells from either the V+S + or V − S + fractions were both equally effective at generating clonal cultures with the normal range of Venus expression and in no cases did V+S + cells give rise to differentiated colonies.
Pilot studies using a variety of strategies suggested that this goal could be best achieved by stimulating primary organ cell cultures with TNF - α (10 ng / ml) and targeting cells expressing the endothelial cell adhesion molecules E-selectin and VCAM - 1 through a FACS - driven strategy.
One of the primary objectives of this study was to establish a protocol to facilitate the identification and selection of microvascular endothelial cells from primary organ cultures with a high degree of precision.
Embryo growth after 12 months of dry storage was negligible and was observed only in embryo cultures with growth hormones (c. 12 %) and no embryo growth was evident after 3 months of storage at − 18 °C in either medium.
For the past 20 years, archaeologists have debated whether the two tribes belonged to the same culture or distinct cultures with origins in present - day Venezuela and Bolivia, respectively.
However, Eggan and McCarroll emphasized that now that this phenomenon has been found, inexpensive gene - sequencing tests will allow researchers to identify and remove from the production line cell cultures with concerning mutations that might prove dangerous after transplantation.
When the researchers used gene engineering techniques to knock out DDX3 expression in laboratory - grown cell cultures that highly expressed this protein, cell proliferation was half that of cell cultures with high DDX3 expression.
But further experiments revealed that cultures with astrocytes produced six times as many neurons as cultures without astrocytes, they report in the 2 May issue of Nature.
Science and science policy appear to embrace distinct cultures each with its own customs and languages, according to experts at a weeklong course that serves as a guidebook for scientists, engineers and other professionals in academia, industry and government seeking to bridge science and...
But then he observed the same halt in cell division in other cultures with different fetal tissues.
The authors caution that because the study was conducted in Norway, which has a relatively homogenous and well - educated population, the findings should not be generalized to more diverse populations or to cultures with other feeding and eating practices without further study.
The object of the experiment is to mutate a gene in the bacteria, giving it antibiotic resistance, then prove it by dosing the cultures with antibiotics.
For example, one part says «Pupils must be encouraged to regard people of all faiths, races and cultures with respect and tolerance» - but has no similar reference to respect and tolerance of those with no religious beliefs.
Cultures with a weaker history of rule of law tend to have a culture of honor where personal reputation (honor) is highly...
Because cultures do not come into existence ex nihilo, all cultures are influenced and coloured by those that have preceded them and by other contemporary cultures with which they come into contact.
In general, the bed - sharing practiced in cultures with low SIDS rates is often different from that in the United States and other Western countries (eg, with firm mats on the floor, separate mat for the infant, and / or absence of soft bedding).
Chef Gervais, originally from France, specializes in a blend of French, Italian and Japanese cultures with a focus on the traditional gastronomic Japanese cuisine.
The interaction of all of the above cultures with the native population had a profound influence on the cuisine.
Omega - 3s you've no doubt heard are good for you, as people from cultures with more fish in their diets tend to be healthier.
From their observations of adding coconut oil to cultures with rat brain neurons they observed:
CHOOZIT ® SWIFT 600 Cultures are the last generation within the broad portfolio of CHOOZIT ® FIT & SWIFT Cultures with proven success to support the growth of the global pizza cheese Industry.
Note: if your blender has warmed the mixture very much, it's best to take a break now and wait for it to cool down (we don't want to kill the yogurt cultures with heat).
At several points he touches upon the paradoxes of modern urbanism and the tragic ironies of our cultural attitude toward cities: although we now have more individual freedom, technical ability, and, arguably, social equity, we do not live in places as hospitable to human beings as were our cities of the past; we are pragmatists who build shoddily; our current obsession with historic preservation is the flip side of our utter lack of confidence in our ability to build well; while cultures with shared ascetic ideals and transcendent orientation built great cities and produced great landscapes, modern culture's expressive ideals, dogmatic public secularism, and privatized religiosity produce for us, even with our vast wealth, only private luxury, a spoiled countryside, and a public realm that is both venal and incoherent; above all, we simultaneously idolize nature and ruin it.
Numerous cultures with there own verbal and sometimes written history of flood «fables».
Equating non-European cultures with non-European religions thus became a fixed cognitive routine in scholarship and colonial policy.
To confuse the process of cross-fertilization between national cultures with the mission of the Christian church is in effect to betray the faith of that church.
And as I intimated in my first paragraph, gay people for hundreds and thousands of years have served us well by blessing our cultures with beauty, art, literature, philosophy, science, and religion.
The persistence and growth of the influence of Jesus seem also to be assured by the proven ability of Christianity to survive the death of cultures with which it has been intimately associated and, after a period of crisis provoked by the collapse of such a culture, not only to win a foothold in the new, succeeding culture but also to make a deeper impress upon it than upon its predecessor.
Our American born corporations have decided to take advantage of people of other cultures with weak governments that do not protect their people or environments and finally we land in China.
How is it possible to reconcile the respect that you have for other religions and cultures with the necessity, for a Christian like yourself, of «inculturating» the gospel?
The fullness of this term generally applies to cultures with Judeo - Christian, or post-Christian, assumptions.
DocVestibule, There are MANY cultures with MANY calendars.
It had to do with a discussion of Sabbath — a way of looking at it that I had never previously considered until I had the good fortune to sit in on a passionate argument taking place between two cultures with which I was unfamiliar.
Anyway, we in the West live with the philosophical and theological tradition of analyzing and then polarizing things that cultures with more holistic paradigms would keep in paradox.
After learning of so many different cultures with different religious beliefs, I began to believe that there was no one true God or multiple gods.
Since 2012, Friendfactor says the Challenge has included 23 MBA programs and more than 11,000 students, and improved the schools» cultures with 50 % more LGBT students feeling comfortable being out to everyone on campus.
As the company's Chief Talent Officer, she helped build a corporate culture with no limits on vacation, a five - word expense policy and a belief that employees should be treated as adults.
Set aside a special day where you ask a few employees or co-workers to share aspects of his or her culture or a client's culture with everyone.
I've discussed the topic of scaling corporate culture with many CEOs, there are countless books and I have my own experiences running similar service - based companies like 352 Inc..
The golden rule of building a happy culture with an «at your service» attitude from day one is simple: If this wasn't your company, would you want to work here?
The company has blended that customer - first culture with financial efficiency.
National Museum of Finland Take a crash course in Finnish history and culture with the help of the museum's wide range of exhibits.
The Googlers at Facebook were a bit like the Greeks during the rise of the Roman Empire: They brought lots of civilization and tech culture with them, but it was clear who was going to run the world in the near future.
Staying human we organically grow a culture with our customers at its heart.
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