Sentences with phrase «cumulative balance»

The glaciers in this study can be broken into two broad regional groups based on cumulative balance and annual balance records.
The annual balance and cumulative balance records of these glaciers illustrate the adjustment of these glaciers to climate change from 1984 - 2005.
Disputed Derogatory Credit Accounts of a non-borrowing spouse in a community property state are not included in the $ 1,000 + cumulative balance for determining if the mortgage application is downgraded.
As shown in Figure 6, this would result in a negative cumulative balance by 2030 for the fixed installations in the EU - ETS of 1,260 Mt, compared with our base - case scenario of a small cumulative surplus for fixed installations by 2030 of 334Mt.
not included in the $ 1,000 + cumulative balance for determining if the mortgage application is downgraded.
The creation of the CEIFB effectively wipes out this massive cumulative balance and replaces it with a cash reserve of $ 2 billion, under the pretense of creating a more independent rate setting process.
Step 6: Proceeds (base money) received from new Treasury debt issuance are periodically transferred to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac in order to cover cumulative balance sheet losses.
The graph for global glacier mass change shows the estimated annual cumulative balance for a set of global reference glaciers with more than 30 continued observation years for the time - period 1960 - 2017.
Indeed, on a system - wide basis, our modelling shows that after taking into account the supply - demand dynamics of the aviation sector, the residual cumulative balance by 2030 for fixed installations — a surplus of 334m — becomes a cumulative deficit for the EU - ETS overall of -266 m.
The creation of the CEIFB effectively wipes out this massive cumulative balance and replaces it with a cash reserve of $ 2 billion, under the pretense of creating a more independent process.
Also disputed accounts with zero balance, disputed accounts with late payments aged 24 months or greater and disputed accounts that are current and paid as agreed are considered non-derogatory disputed accounts and thus not included in the $ 1,000 + cumulative balance for determining if the mortgage application is downgraded.
However, these measures have an impact on the cumulative balance in the EI Account, which would still need to be addressed over time.
After the NPP administration took over in January 2017, an amount of GHS103.5 million has been added to the fund bringing the cumulative balance to GHS310 million.
Then disputed medical accounts, disputed derogatory credit resulting from identity theft, credit card theft or unauthorized use are excluded from the $ 1,000 + cumulative balance.
An investor can submit his / her bank account details in the application form to receive direct credit (interest / cumulative balance).
Some will look into informal solutions to control their debt, in order to address the size of their cumulative balance.
The consistency of the cumulative balance trends further indicates the glaciers mass balance record is dominated by large scale regional to global climate change.
Figure 3a and 3b show respectively, the long - term cumulative balance of eight NCGCP glaciers 1984 - 2000, and the cumulative balance of all 15 glaciers in the North Cascades (1993 - 2000) where mass balance measurements have been made.
The trends in Figure 3a are parallel, but represent a substantial range in the magnitude of the cumulative balance.
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