Sentences with phrase «cumulative deficit»

About 40 percent of schools in the NewSchools portfolio incur cumulative deficits through their first three years of operation.
The legislative restriction on annual changes in premium rates has led to the current large cumulative deficits and once these are unraveled (by 2015), they will lead to large cumulative surpluses.
Putting school - level and central - office economics together, CMOs in NewSchools» portfolio have run cumulative deficits through the 2010 school year of more than $ 250 million, which amounts to about $ 3,150 per student at full enrollment for the schools that are currently up and running.
Instead, Ernie now foresees a $ 28 trillion cumulative deficit.
Including just the effects of economic feedback from deficit reduction would reduce the cumulative deficit over the next 10 years by roughly $ 160 billion — or about 0.1 percent of GDP, on average — compared with CBO and JCT's conventional estimate of the President's proposals.
These annual surpluses are to balance the Operating Account, which posted a cumulative deficit of $ 8.6 billion at the end of 2011 - 12.
The same holds if there is a cumulative deficit in the EI Account prior to an economic recovery.
In 2015 - 16, a cumulative deficit of $ 8.5 billion was recorded in March 2016 and the end - of - year accounting period.
Under the new configuration, the board will be able to give more cash to the local schools, which have a $ 5.3 million cumulative deficit and a $ 1.8 million annual operating deficit.
A preliminary plan calls for using $ 43.1 million in reserves, but that still leaves a $ 73.4 million cumulative deficit.
However, the current projection for the cumulative deficit for the 2017 — 2026 period is about the same as that reported in August.
Based on the 0.5 kg a week deemed the best rate of loss for people under 100 kg, you'll need a cumulative deficit of 14,700 kJ a week (on paper, there are 14,700 kJ in half a kilo of body fat).
Based on the 0.5 kg a week deemed optimal, you'll need a cumulative deficit of 14,700 kJ a week (there are 14,700 kJ in half a kilo of body fat).
Although we found substantial drops in achievement during middle school for both groups of students, the first - year drop and cumulative deficit were, respectively, 50 percent and more than 200 percent greater for students who start at the lower end of the achievement distribution.
Ministers answered that in 2014 - 15 only four per cent of academy trusts had «cumulative deficit».
Over a five - year span, the cumulative deficit could come in at $ 16.5 billion higher than forecasted, according to the report.
In a 2008 report «Importance of River Flow to the Apalachicola River - Bay System» 1 scientists reported, «A cumulative deficit evaluation of the drought events showed that the greatest cumulative rainfall deficit occurred during the mid 1950's drought event, but the greatest flow deficit occurred during the 1999 — 2002 drought event.»
Indeed, on a system - wide basis, our modelling shows that after taking into account the supply - demand dynamics of the aviation sector, the residual cumulative balance by 2030 for fixed installations — a surplus of 334m — becomes a cumulative deficit for the EU - ETS overall of -266 m.
The PDSI is a prominent index of drought and measures the cumulative deficit (relative to local mean conditions) in surface land moisture by incorporating previous precipitation and estimates of moisture drawn into the atmosphere (based on atmospheric temperatures) into a hydrological accounting system.
«The insufficient level of homebuilding has created a cumulative deficit of nearly 3.7 million new homes over the last eight years.»
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