Sentences with phrase «cumulus clouds»

Cumulus clouds are big, fluffy, white clouds that look like cotton candy in the sky. Full definition
As cumulus clouds grow higher, their tops become colder.
The birds ride on the strong updrafts under cumulus clouds in the open ocean to gain altitude.
One of the scientists working with his animation team is an expert on cumulus cloud formations.
Here Becker et al. investigated the impact of convective organization on entrainment — a process in which warm, buoyant parcels of air become saturated with moisture; form cumulus clouds; and mix with cooler, drier parcels of air.
Unlike other birds, most of which avoid clouds because of their turbulence, frigatebirds seem to seek them out to ride on the strong updrafts under cumulus clouds in the open ocean to gain altitude.
I had the pleasure of meeting one particular meteorologist who keeps us in the know on everything from cumulus clouds to funnel clouds, Emily Sutton.
This type of precipitation is very common from shallow cumulus clouds over tropical oceans.
When Cassini first encountered Titan, it observed a large outburst of methane cumulus clouds over Titan's south polar region.
«The authors demonstrate that model estimates of climate sensitivity can be strongly affected by the manner through which cumulus cloud condensate is converted into precipitation in a model's convection parameterization, processes that are only crudely accounted for in GCMs.
The average cumulus cloud weighs about 1 million pounds, while a big storm cloud can exceed 2 billion pounds.
Elsewhere in the tropics, however, nonprecipitating cumulus clouds dominate the landscape.
But using a new simulation that relies on data from the Indian Ocean Experiment (INDOEX), researchers have demonstrated an exactly opposite mechanism — one in which aerosol pollution actually intensifies solar absorption and reduces cumulus cloud cover, which significantly offsets whatever cooling it might cause within other layers of the atmosphere.
Earlier work, shown in the animation at top right, revealed that «intense aborption of solar energy can desiccate an optically thick stratocumulus cloud layer,» turning it into cumulus clouds.
As the blaze burns, it generates updrafts that cool and condense, forming fluffy cumulus clouds.
At this point, either the clouds can dissipate into a popcorn - like formation — which is called unaggregated convection — or other cumulus clouds in the vicinity will pile onto them, forming a larger cloud cluster (aggregated convection).
The G - 1 flight measurements will provide information on orographic cumulus clouds and deep convective systems.
«How much warmer it will get depends on what happens to cumulus clouds like those Karen was interested in.
The physical model I have in mind for this negative WV feedback is based on a proposal of Prof. William Gray (Colorado State University), who pictured cumulus clouds carrying moisture into the UT, but occupying only a small area; the remaining (and much larger) area experiences descending air («subsidence»)-- hence drying.
Small cumulus clouds derived from an ancient Tibetan textile are jacquard woven in tonal velvet on our intriguing pillow cover.
He added that the curator in Hopps is now looking around at cumulus clouds, saying, «We only need three clouds, and I know which three are the best!»
Steady and strong they stand even as cumulus clouds gather and lightening strikes.
These images show the conversion of cloud droplets and raindrops to ice inside a numerically simulated cumulus cloud.
Sure enough, a towering mass of cumulus clouds soon sprang up on the southern horizon.
To understand groups of droplets, Shaw and the NCAR team flew airplanes through fluffy, cottonball cumulus clouds in Wyoming and Colorado.
Elsewhere in the tropics, however, non-precipitating cumulus clouds dominate the landscape.
It is important to note that in additional simulations, they demonstrated that the effect of aerosol pollution on cumulus cloud coverage is not absolute; it can cause an increase or decrease, depending on other meteorological conditions.
Essential to the group's work was the INDOEX observation of scarce cumulus clouds and deep layers of dark, sunlight - absorbing haze, present during 99 percent of the data - gathering phase.
Lofted and shaped by updrafts of warm air, cumulus clouds mesmerise with their constantly changing shape.
Along with meaty articles like «Atmospheric water in the National Curriculum» and «The forgotten snowstorm — 4 January 1854», there is the intriguing «Cumulus cloud analogue on a yoghurt pot lid».
They will identify possible sources limiting accurate depiction of the MJO in models that rely on cumulus cloud representations.
Macrophysical properties of continental cumulus clouds from active and passive remote sensing.
I remember hands - on field trips, planting trees in our schoolyard on Arbor Day, having an egg drop competition off of the roof of the building, creating a diagram (and tasting) the honeysuckle plants in the woods nearby, laying in the grass while drawing cumulus clouds, going on a fall scavenger hunt, etc..
We're not to the point of no return yet; the sun is shining amid large cumulus clouds.
In a painting like «Lovesexy» (2000), for example, sharply defined indecipherable symbols loom in and out of clean cumulus clouds on a fuchsia - pink background, while in «As I run and run, happiness comes closer» (2008), violent and brutal brushstrokes seethe over a dark background, engulfing the work's cheery little stars and leaving the sensation of a seething Hieronymus Bosch composition.
Richard Misrach, Norco Cumulus Cloud, Shell Oil Refinery, Norco, Louisiana, negative 1998, print 2012.
The fury of the sea pounds against the shore leaving cumulus clouds of pearl colored foam, something like that of a dishwasher who squeezed too much liquid Ivory dish soap onto a sponge.
The hot sun heats the ground and creates small puffy cumulus clouds.
Layered above our humid cumulus clouds that don't turn into rain.
I have identified that you don't understand the key role for convective cumulus clouds, and until you get a grip on that that any talk of lapse rates will make no sense.
In UP, the cloud - resolving arrays have been upgraded to include sufficient internal resolution to explicitly generate the turbulent eddies that form marine stratocumulus and trade cumulus clouds.
Both cumulonimbus (thunderstorms) and cumulus clouds represent condensing circulation, otherwise there wouldn't be clouds.
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