Sentences with word «cuprates»

In cuprate superconductors, another state blocks and interacts with superconductivity: the charge - density - wave, in which the electrons assume a static pattern, different from the pattern that the material's crystal structure defines.
The latest breakthrough in superconductors, which will be published March 20 in Science, answers a key question on the microscopic electronic structure of cuprate superconductors, the most celebrated material family in our quest for true room - temperature superconductivity.
The research team verified that the electronic structure of the nickelate resembles that of cuprate materials by taking X-ray absorption spectroscopy measurements at the Advanced Photon Source, a DOE Office of Science User Facility, and by performing density functional theory calculations.
More than a decade after the discovery of high - transition temperature superconductivity in cuprate materials, its mechanism is still a matter of contentious debate.
For 15 years physicists have struggled to understand the so - called cuprate superconductors, in which sheets of copper and oxygen atoms sandwich atoms of other elements.
«Scientists find solution to two long - standing mysteries of cuprate high - temperature superconductivity.»
But after three decades of ensuing research, exactly how cuprate superconductivity works remains a defining problem in the field.
Based on cuprate superconductors, UNIGE physicists have observed that the behavior of the Coulomb energy at the superconducting transition depends on the doping - i.e. the lack (or excess) of electrons: for some values of the doping it decreases, but for others it stagnates or even increases.
Brookhaven Lab scientists (from left) Ivan Bozovic, Xi He, Jie Wu, and Anthony Bollinger with the atomic layer - by - layer molecular beam epitaxy system used to synthesize the superconducting cuprate samples.
This is a key question in understanding all unconventional superconductors including the high - Tc cuprates, the iron pnictides and the heavy fermion systems.
But for the copper - based superconductors, known as cuprates, scientists couldn't find whirls that matched the theory's predictions, suggesting that a different theory was needed to explain how the materials superconduct.
The result lifts some of the fog surrounding cuprates, which have so far resisted theoretical explanation.
We used angle - resolved photoemission spectroscopy applied to deeply underdoped cuprate superconductors Bi2Sr2Ca (1 — x) YxCu2O8 (Bi2212) to reveal the presence of two distinct energy gaps exhibiting different doping dependence.
Nickel - based oxides — nickelates — have long been considered as potential cuprate analogs because the element sits immediately adjacent to copper in the periodic table.
In 1986, however, discovery of high - temperature superconductivity in copper oxide compounds called cuprates engendered new technological potential for the phenomenon.
The finding, described in the journal Nature Communications, establishes an unexpected connection between this new group of titanium - oxypnictide superconductors and the more familiar cuprates and iron - pnictides, providing scientists with a whole new family of materials from which they can gain deeper insights into the mysteries of high - temperature superconductivity.
«If these growth techniques and device architectures could be ported to cuprates with higher [operating superconductivity] temperatures, then the impact could be tremendous.»
Magnetic couplings in a realistic cuprate system have been correctly predicted for the first time with highly accurate Quantum Monte Carlo (QMC) calculations.
Ever since cuprate (copper - containing) superconductors were first discovered in 1986, they have greatly puzzled researchers.
High - performance computers, such as those at the Oak Ridge Leadership Computing Facility, allow application of QMC to problems that have remained unsolved for decades, such as magnetic phenomena associated with the remarkable high - temperature superconductivity in cuprate materials.
Due to the complexity of cuprates, it is difficult for researchers to study them directly to find out what properties lead to the ability to conduct current without resistance.
The observations were predicted by the Fermi - Hubbard model, created to explain how cuprates could be superconducting at relatively high temperatures.
The researchers found that when the magnetic field was applied, the response agreed with measurements done on cuprates.
While the basis of conventional superconductivity is understood, researchers are still exploring the theory of high - temperature superconductivity in copper - based materials called cuprates.
We have used QMC to study magnetic properties of Ca2CuO3, an effectively one - dimensional counterpart of the famous superconducting cuprates.
Three energy scales characterizing the competing pseudogap state, the incoherent, and the coherent superconducting state in high - Tc cuprates
Cuprate superconductors have critical superconducting temperatures — the point at which their electrical...
Exposure to intense light at low temperature induces a phase transition in a cuprate superconductor during which it expands within a few picoseconds and then gradually contracts.
We have directly determined the structural dynamics of such a nonequilibrium phase transition in a cuprate superconductor.
These experimental advances still do not explain high Tc superconductivity in the cuprates, however, they permit to make progress in the understanding and to adapt existing theories having foundations in common with Leggett's scenario.
In the late 90's, Prof. Leggett of the University of Illinois presented a scenario for high Tc superconductivity in the cuprates, materials consisting primarily of copper and oxygen.
The new materials resemble the cuprates in some striking ways.
«It's possible that these materials will provide a cleaner system to work with, and suddenly [the physics of] the cuprates will become clearer,» says Hai - Hu Wen, a physicist at the Institute of Physics (IoP) at the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing.
PCCO is an oxide from a wider class of superconducting materials called «cuprates
Physicists around the world are hailing the discovery of the new iron - and - arsenic compounds as a major advance, as the only other high - temperature superconductors are the copper - and - oxygen compounds, or cuprates, that were discovered in 1986.
Most physicists, however, think that mechanism can not explain the cuprates, which work at temperatures as high as 138 kelvin.
This study, published in the October 26, 2015, online edition of Nature Physics, is the first to identify the atomic - scale origins and influences that produce the density wave in cuprates.
The material is a member of a family of copper - oxygen - based superconducting compounds - the cuprates - that are prime candidates for numerous potential high - impact applications, including extremely efficient electricity generation, storage, and transmission across the nation's power grid.
There are several known members of the cuprate family.
Herb Mook and colleagues at Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Tennessee shot a beam of neutrons at a large crystal of yttrium barium copper oxide (YBCO), the most widely studied of the cuprate superconductors (Science, 1 February, p. 787).
They proposed a new way to study a cuprate, one that no other group had tried: a powerful imaging technique developed by Davis, called sublattice imaging - which is performed using a specialized scanning tunneling microscope (STM) capable of determining the electronic structure in different subsets of the atoms in the crystal, the so - called sublattices.
The new data suggest that stripes are a feature of all cuprate superconductors, says Steven Kivelson, a physicist at the University of California, Los Angeles, and a co-inventor of the stripes theory.
Now, researchers at the CIAR and the Center for Superconductivity Research in College Park, Maryland, have found the first solid evidence that this superconductor, called a «cuprate,» does not obey the Fermi - liquid model.
Though researchers suspected that the Fermi - liquid model breaks down in cuprates, these results provide the first hints about how the model falters.
The group studied how a cuprate conducts heat and electrical charge.
One approach to solving this problem has been to study compounds that have similar crystal, magnetic and electronic structures to the cuprates.
While the Tc achieved in this study (50 - 60 K) is still lower than that of the cuprate high - Tc superconductors (highest Tc?
Having observed this unexpected state in the cuprates and iron - pnictides, scientists were eager to see whether this unusual electronic order would also be observed in a new class of titanium - oxypnictide high - temperature superconductors discovered in 2013.
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