Sentences with phrase «curable by»

According to The Appraisal of Real Estate, 13 th Edition (Appraisal Institute, 2008), external obsolescence may be caused by economic or locational factors, and may be temporary or permanent, but it is not curable by the owner, landlord or tenant.
This must be considered satisfactory to the Transamerica Life Insurance Company and can not be curable by any means available by the medical profession.
In the worst cases, we have successfully acted for the unfortunate few whose cancer has been missed for so long that their condition wasn't curable by the time it was spotted.
Thecomas are probably curable by removal of the ovaries but reliable information is not available.
The dangers of fee charging scams are another facet of the validation process, curable by a rule of not to pay to have your work published, unless of course you are your own publisher.
These are problems curable by personal means alone, without reference to a wider political context or much recourse to the sort of multilayered psychological ambiguity found in the work of Maurice Pialat or John Cassavetes.
But what you may not know that in nowadays candida fungus skin infection is curable by natural remedies.
Hodgkin's lymphoma was one of the first cancers to be rendered curable by combination chemotherapy.

Not exact matches

In general, companies that are «diseased» but «curable» offer better prospects for high returns than those that are held in favor by everyone with a few dollars to invest.
But for these debating Catholics, the question is whether the American situation is curable, by some kind of reform program; or incurable, inherently tending to self - destruction.
We do not get at (or «interfere with») the underlying behavior driving the epidemic; we simply reduce the risk or harm by providing condoms, clean needles, treating the curable sexually transmitted diseases, etc..
Medical treatment was described by the editor of The Lancet as «haphazard», noting that there was no attempt to keep patients triaged appropriately, and that patients who might be curable were routinely placed with patients who had communicable diseases.
If that addiction is «curable,» for lack of a better term, by disuse and whether or not someone has the will power to overcome it does not remove the fact that there is / was and addiction to a particular substance.
Let us know how the praying works out... while you are there, please pray for the millions and millions of children who die each year by curable diseases... let us know how that pans out?
Since celiac disease is, according to the New ENgland Journal of Medicine, a complex auto - immune disease triggered by exposure to gluten, and auto - immune disease are very, very rarely curable, I don't do anything that will increase antibodies against my own cells.
I would say the first trimester was rough because I had bad nausea (curable only by eating lots of white carbs, potatoes and GF crackers all day every day) and then I felt great from Months 4 - 7.5, then I started to feel HUGE and I also experienced prodromal labor for 4 weeks before delivery.
He is not curable just by watching his own constant faults.
«By identifying and enrolling these men in clinical trials immediately, the hope is to take a prostate cancer that appears to be incurable and make it curable» stated Trevor J. Royce, MD, senior resident in the department of Radiation Oncology at BWH, and corresponding author of the study.
Colonoscopies screen for colorectal cancer by detecting early, curable cancers.
Tuberculosis (TB) is a curable and preventable disease caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis and most often affects the lungs of infected individuals.
Active tuberculosis is treatable (and curable), but disease control and treatment adherence are complicated by a variety of factors, including availability of healthcare resources, multidrug - resistant tuberculosis strains and potentially toxic side effects of treatment.
The best way to catch it early — when it's highly curable — is by checking yourself once a month for new or suspicious moles and by getting a total - body exam once a year from your doctor or a dermatologist.
Alzheimer's and other diseases caused by chronic bacterial infections — possibly including multiple sclerosis, Lyme disease, chronic fatigue syndromes, fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis, and many others — are preventable, treatable, and often curable.
They were told by their doctors that this horrible disease is not curable.
Normally, this is a severe problem caused by a chronic and often not curable condition such as osteoarthritis.
Since celiac disease is, according to the New ENgland Journal of Medicine, a complex auto - immune disease triggered by exposure to gluten, and auto - immune disease are very, very rarely curable, I don't do anything that will increase antibodies against my own cells.
This is a disease that is reversible, and in many cases curable, by paying attention to decades of metabolic science!
If FODMAP sensitivity does have a genetic component then you will be partially limited forever but if it is mainly caused by our modern lifestyle, it may well be curable if you keep playing around with the strategies above.
I make a mental note that my bank deposit receipt is now doubling as a medical record for baby Alex, but just can't stop gaping at the copy of Cure Tooth Decay front and center on the bookshelf, followed by the Cancer Is Curable Now DVD and Homeopathic Medicine at Home.
Although allergies to foods are not strictly curable, signs and symptoms should be relieved by the removal of the ingredient from their diet.
Many of these illnesses are preventable and curable as long as they are caught early and treated properly by a veterinarian,
Sometimes cancer is curable - especially if caught early, but often it is a chronic disease that is managed by a combination of surgery, chemotherapy, radiation and some new innovative treatments like antibody therapy, immunotherapy, vaccines, cyberknife therapy, etc..
Can you help heal this very curable disease for Pelona, by funding her treatment?
It is not curable, but can be treated by controlling mite populations and medication to control secondary infections.
Even though PID is curable, treatment might not be able to undo damage (like scarring or infertility) caused by chronic pelvic inflammatory disease.
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