Sentences with phrase «curable diseases»

Spending millions and billions on intermittent solar panels and wind generators in countries where mothers still walk miles and spend hours every day to collect water (unsafe water in most cases), where children die of easily - curable diseases and grow up mentally handicapped due to malnutrition and lack of vitamins costing a penny or two a day, such spending makes a mockery of altruism and humanitarianism — it is a cruel slap - in - the - face of those struggling to stay alive and raise their families.
Curable diseases include Gonorrhea while the incurable diseases include Genital herpes.
The goal is to accelerate the development of breakthrough immune therapies capable of turning most cancers into curable diseases.
In 44 cases, the court was able to establish that dogs were euthanized even though they suffered only from mild, curable diseases, Moriconi says.
Let us know how the praying works out... while you are there, please pray for the millions and millions of children who die each year by curable diseases... let us know how that pans out?
As a result of this belief, they have a cemetery full of children who have died from easily curable diseases.
Death from some preventable or curable disease from a lack of health care?
«Resource - intensive treatments for cancer must always be used judiciously, and efforts to ensure their appropriate and consistent application among all patients with curable disease should be paramount.»
Although the study revealed that fewer patients were untreated over time, a significant proportion of patients still do not receive treatment for «an otherwise highly curable disease,» explained Dr. Kapadia.
Breast cancer is becoming a curable disease when diagnosed at an early stage; however, the majority of cancer - related death is still attributed to metastatic disease.
So, it is indeed obvious, to anybody who thinks about this question for more than a few minutes, that T2D is actually a reversible and curable disease.
Because with the proper treatment, T2D is a curable disease.
Unfortunately, herpes is not a curable disease.
Diabetes is not a curable disease, but with proper insulin administration, the disease can be controlled.
Starfleet Canine Aid Foundation SCAF was created to provide financial aid to owners or rescue organizations that could not otherwise afford medical treatment for the curable disease or recoverable accident of a canine companion.
While lymphoma is a very treatable disease, it is not a curable disease.
Can you help heal this very curable disease for Pelona, by funding her treatment?
So many dogs are not rescued from animal control simply because they have heartworms, a curable disease.
Sadly, when it affects the bone marrow, cancer is not a curable disease.
Sadly too many don't get this opportunity because of the expense of the treatment, thanks to the grant received from SWA we were able to treat even more animals for this curable disease.
It is usually not a curable disease so prevention to exposure during the prime years of a dog's breeding life is key.
While addiction is a curable disease, it is not one that is easily remedied.
Cerebral Palsy Frequently Asked Questions: Cerebral palsy is not a curable disease, but treatment can be provided to treat the symptoms associated with it.
Shelby also added, «although HIV is not a curable disease it is 100 % preventable and completely treatable with the advancement of medication.»
«This is a demographic that treats death as if it's a curable disease,» said David Cravit, a senior vice-president with the 50Plus Group, the online marketing arm of CARP.

Not exact matches

Striking advances in hepatitis C drug development over the past five years have made the infectious, liver - wasting viral disease a curable one — if you can afford the drugs.
Many people find it hard to believe that most diseases, if detected early, are treatable — and curable.
Though it is preventable and curable, TB still kills 1.5 million people per year — 300,000 more than are lost to AIDS annually — and rates as the world's most deadly infectious disease.
Thanks to a number of new Hepatitis C drugs (Sofosbuvir Ledipasvir, Ladispavir) the disease is curable for many patients.
In general, companies that are «diseased» but «curable» offer better prospects for high returns than those that are held in favor by everyone with a few dollars to invest.
The detection of melanoma at its most curable stages can result in decades of high - quality life saved, versus the treatment of this terrible disease at late stages, which offers several months of life extension, at best.»
We do not get at (or «interfere with») the underlying behavior driving the epidemic; we simply reduce the risk or harm by providing condoms, clean needles, treating the curable sexually transmitted diseases, etc..
Medical treatment was described by the editor of The Lancet as «haphazard», noting that there was no attempt to keep patients triaged appropriately, and that patients who might be curable were routinely placed with patients who had communicable diseases.
Whatever tendencies Jewish mothers and fathers have to be «superprotective,» and whatever they may do in creating unusual anxieties in their children, these are at worst diseases of moral conflict, which are, after all, curable.
Of course letting letting you child die of a disease that is curable with one shot of an antibiotic is right up there.
Since celiac disease is, according to the New ENgland Journal of Medicine, a complex auto - immune disease triggered by exposure to gluten, and auto - immune disease are very, very rarely curable, I don't do anything that will increase antibodies against my own cells.
«The doctors are very hopeful and confident that it is a curable and treatable disease,» said Karl of his current bout with cancer.
CDC works 24/7 to protect America from health, safety and security threats, both foreign and in the U.S. Whether diseases start at home or abroad, are chronic or acute, curable or preventable, human error or deliberate attack, CDC fights disease and supports communities and citizens to do the same.
Although the number of prostate needle biopsies (PNB) has been reduced, patients who undergo PNB are significantly more likely to be diagnosed with high risk disease, and detection of intermediate risk, potentially curable PCa has likely decreased.
«There could be a significant increase in prostate cancer death rates if more people are diagnosed with metastatic disease, because treatments can only slow progression, it's not curable,» Schaeffer said.
Over 90 percent of prostate cancers are detected at a curable stage, with men more likely to die of other diseases than from this cancer.
«Early stage disease is curable,» adds co-author Bernadette Cracchiolo, director of gynecologic oncology at the school, «but late stage and recurrent disease have limited treatment options.
Richard Miller, a biogerontologist at the University of Michigan, says Olshansky's research shows that the average 50 - year - old woman would live to be 95 if cancer, heart disease, stroke, and diabetes were curable.
Tuberculosis (TB) is a curable and preventable disease caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis and most often affects the lungs of infected individuals.
Active tuberculosis is treatable (and curable), but disease control and treatment adherence are complicated by a variety of factors, including availability of healthcare resources, multidrug - resistant tuberculosis strains and potentially toxic side effects of treatment.
Yet even knowing exactly which mutated gene causes a disease — as in Huntington's and cystic fibrosis — doesn't necessarily mean it is either preventable or curable.
«It's important for people to know that the face of the disease is changing, that it's curable,» she says.
Thanks to his work, and the work of many other researchers, the disease is now both preventable and curable.
The disease is most treatable and curable when caught early; however, about one in three adults between ages 50 and 75 (23 million people) are not getting tested as recommended.
Lyme disease is considered curable when people receive prompt antibiotic treatment for their symptoms.
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