Sentences with phrase «cure healing principles»

In naturopathic medicine one of our main nature cure healing principles is to «remove the obstacles to cure».

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The name homeopathy, coined by its originator, Samuel Hahnemann in the year 1810, is derived from the Greek words for «similar suffering» referring to the «like cures like» principle of healing.
Water fasting adheres to the basic principles of nature cure which is based on the use of five natural elements — earth, water, fire or sunlight, air and space for self - healing and rejuvenation.
The following principles are the foundation that naturopathic medical practice is built upon: First Do No Harm Respect the Healing Power of NatureIdentify & Treat the CauseTreat the Whole PersonThe Physician as Teacher Prevention is the Best «Cure»
Peruvian Powerfoods Pharmacognosy Research Pharmacognosy Reviews Phytochemical Analysis Phytochemistry Phytomedicine Phytotherapy Research Plant Intelligence and the Imaginal Realm Plant Physiological Ecology Plant Systematics Power Foods Prescription for Herbal Healing Prescription for Natural Cures Prescription for Nutritional Healing Principles of Terrestrial Ecosystem Ecology Public Library of Science One
Homeopathy is based on the principle of similars — that «like cures like,» or substances that would cause symptoms in large doses, may stimulate the body's natural healing processes when given in a diluted dose.
«Harmony in life and living, homeopathy for health and healing» Homeopathy (home - ee - AH - puh - thee) is the branch of medicine based on the principle that disease can be cured by strengthening the body's natural defense mechanism.
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