Sentences with phrase «curious feature»

One curious feature of these silent earthquakes is that they happen at regular intervals — so regular, in fact, that scientists are now predicting their occurrence successfully.
The most curious feature is that scents will play into the wind system.
Many of the more curious features of Murdoch's novels become more comprehensible once one understands this belief that the Good is an imaginative creation: for instance, the seemingly minor yet recurrent instances of paranormal phenomena.
Now seismologists have identified the «Caldas tear,» which is a break in a slab that separates two subducting plates and accounts for curious features, including a «nest» of seismic activity beneath east - central Colombia and high grade mineral deposits on the surface.
One of the most curious features of the recent plumping for the «Judeo - Christian tradition» is the way its advocates regard capitalism as the necessary corollary and expression of that tradition.
The link between leaning and steering gives rise to the bicycle's most curious feature: the way that it can balance while coasting on its own.
So for those who might like a connection to that great series, The Space Trilogy also offers this curious feature as well.
A curious feature of Matthew's story is that there are two demoniacs just as later he twice has two blind men (cf. Mt 9:27; 20:30).
In his Commentary on 1 John, St. Augustine noted a curious feature of its opening words.
Interest piqued, the scientists changed the way they'd usually prepare the fossil, cleaning it to the level of its skin, rather than down to the bone, to see whether more of the curious features could be found.
Another curious feature of narcolepsy is cataplexy.
What is more, the observations from the ground turned up a curious feature outside the space - based coverage.
Despite all of this study, researchers have missed a curious feature of the virus's biology, says virologist Geoffrey Smith of Imperial College London.
A curious feature allows viewers to dub the voices of the actors in English.
Rounding out the disc: a theatrical trailer; four TV spots; cast and crew bios; a soundtrack spot; and a curious feature - length audio track that consists of audience noise from Freddy Got Fingered's adoring March 21, 2001 premiere.
The Wii U controller's front - facing camera is a curious feature.
Another curious feature is a single, very colorful bio-form abstract painting.
A curious feature of this exhibit are the black - and - white monochrome paintings that really don't work.
I've been looking at the subsequent development of this graphic and, in the process, noticed another curious feature of the figure in Briffa and Osborn 1999 — shown below.
One of the curious features of Green journalism is that if it gets unusually cold, this will be dismissed as mere «weather» of no significance, while a heatwave or violent storm will be seized on as a warning that catastrophic climate change is already here.
It is a curious feature of human nature that we regard familiar and predictable practices with fond affection and unfamiliar practices with suspicion and fear.
A curious feature is verification, which Hodl Hodl says is «absolutely on a voluntary basis.»
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