Sentences with phrase «curious sort of»

Curious still I guess a bit far away here, but there has been some speculation that may have a new console from play station in 2020 obviously that's now something that you can talk to, but think anyway but I am just curious sort of your perspective on what it means to sort to have still sort of a consoles cycle type opportunity or challenge.
I consider myself a very curious sort of magpie that goes to any form of culture that attracts me.
Over the years, this film has gained a cult following for those nostalgic for the 70s, as well as Peckinpah fanatics, who probably see this as a curious sort of masterpiece.
In the last three weeks a curious sort of fame has descended upon a tall, dark - haired young man named Dick Ollen, and with it a nickname that could stick to him for life.

Not exact matches

But the place that I'm curious if you looked into when you were doing your research is you've had the Apple Watch and Jawbone and all these different things that are essentially bioinformatics that you wear on you and right now, they're sort of fun things for the fitness set, right?
Stringfellow quotes «if problems of misapprehension and misrepresentation are overcome and the gospel can be heard in its own integrity, the gospel will be found attractive by people, become popular, and, even, be a success of some sort» and then finds this «curious and ironical (sic — it should be ironic)»???? It is not at all.
A curious teapot tempest of the sort one only finds in the hothouse of Extremely Earnest Conservative Christianity has been going on for several years, ever since the release of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone and the subsequent popularity of the Potter phenomenon.
If you answered «yes» to any of the above or even if you answered «no» but are sort of curious to see where this is going, behold: Vogue has created a video for the bad pun lover in all of us or, at least, the bad pun lover we all know.
I'm really curious how you think that you broke some sort of natural law through sheer willpower and that apparently you only got one shot and you used it up when no one was looking...
But he doesn't let the disciples go without adding one more thing: an odd little parable of sorts, with some curious comments about gifts.
I'm curious to see what sort of structures we wilderness types will wind up with.
But what this successful attempt really did was make me curious about a homemade vegan béchamel: the classic béchamel sauce is made with butter, flour, and milk, so why not just make it with oil, flour, and some sort of non-dairy milk?
Please get together a recipe for a healthy mousse or something of the sort — I am super curious what you would do with this miraculous stuff.
One question — why do you prefer NuNaturals stevia?Just curious — I like to use pure stevia with nothing added, and I thought NuNaturals added some sort of «natural flavoring» or maltodextrin.
So my question is sort of related to this one, in a sense that I'm curious about the recipe and whether it needs to be altered for my intended purposes.
Every year I find myself buying fresh cranberries and making some sort of cranberry relish though, I must know by now, beyond a curious taste or two no one is going to eat it.
I'm curious to see how you like kimchi, it's sort of a love / hate type of ingredient:)
I can sort by hall, country, producer, and then set up appointments and create a schedule that's fully customized for me,» says Peter Baedeker, President of Curious Cork Wine Importers
I actually haven't tried to make a crisp paleo cookie yet, because I love soft, but I'm sort of curious.
Although I was curious, I was also highly skeptical and sort of imagined that it would be very similar to tofu in taste and texture.
I don't believe it to be some sort of felony on his character record, but again, it's curious.
I thought one thing was curious, sort of good and bad.
Curious of anyone's thoughts on this series as some sort of useful experience, and for whom on the team.
I like to think of The Yellow House as the online equivalent of that quirky little shop in that interesting winding street offering all sorts of eclectic stuff to curious passers by!
«It's true that we find all sorts of curious things on trains, like army - issue guns or wheelchairs.
I'd come out of an unconscious, sleepy marriage to the second guy I'd ever been with, and now I was curious about, well, everything, and also about a certain sort of sexual power.
Curious to see what this sort of birth looks like?
Wanting to teach / redirect their curious child who's gotten into some sort of trouble or another as they explored the world around them (you know the kind — five thousand cheerios all over a newly cleaned kitchen floor, a chair that is not to be climbed being climbed anyway and tipping over, brushing the family dog with mom's hairbrush of course, etc) but fearful of spoiling, they sternly respond with a «NO!!!»
When I was a wee lass of around 7 years old, my cat gave birth under my bed, and I, being a curious sort, crawled under there with her to watch the whole glorious event.
Not only can an open dishwasher give your curious baby access to all sorts of sharp items like knives and forks, but it can also give them easy access to the detergent.
Okay so, you are obviously having some sort of conversation with your husband during this time saying «I am not sure they are gonna make it here on time» I am curious just what the mood was like the moment you realized this baby is gonna be unassisted?
I find the Pump in Style tubing attachment sort of annoying as it occasionally falls out out of both sides, and it can be pulled out by curious babies.
It's time for another Ask Away Friday, where another blogger and I interview each other about all sorts of things we're curious about.
George has a curious combination of nervousness and indignation, a sort of arrogance combined with frantic uncertainty.
Is Home... Well, Sort of... After weeks of rumors and curious Facebook friend requests, former state senator Efrain Gonzalez, Jr. confirmed to the Bronx Chronicle that he is back in the Bronx.
Not only this, a data scientist has to be curious and do some research (you are sometimes a sort of data detective), sounds like a PhD doesn't it?
For months during this period, a visiting professor at UNH only knew Zhang as some sort of curious phantom figure, appearing in the corridors without notice, pacing around for a while and then disappearing just as suddenly.
HERE is a tale of a curious and homely sort of addiction — that for a kind of fossil «Lebanese Gold» or amber.
But I'm a curious (and gossipy) sort of person, and I really wanted to know what was going on in that conference room.
«The brain at rest» is actually a hive of activity and what it's doing is trying to sort out information that comes in; I mean this is another, another thing that made Marcus Raichle curious about this, is we know, for instance, that six million bits of data go flowing in through your optic nerve from the environment around you, and then only 10,000 of those bits actually get to the brain's visual processing area and only a few hundred of those are involved in consciousness, and you know, the conscious processing associated with that visual activity.
This why we created the «A Potion A Day» ritual, which began as a hashtag #apotionaday on Instagram, but has evolved into this fluid, open sort of catalog of all the different ways and recipes in which our health - curious community incorporate the herbs into daily life.
I've been curious to add some of these liquid soaps to a homemade shampoo of sorts.
And if you're curious to learn more about this sort of stuff, and how you can become a Jedi master in healing your body, you may consider joining me next Wednesday April 6th @ 7 pm EST for a free virtual workshop where I'll be teaching a process called «Body Mapping».
I am not an advocate of corn chips and the like, but the idea of extracted oils from plants and then re-combining them / cooking them into other plants, has me curious what your personal stance is on these sort of foods.
I am curious, were you doing any sort of exercise while refeeding?
I'm curious about your smoothies and whether you add yogurt or almond milk or some other sort of «mixer» to help blend the fruits.
Just curious if you painted the cabinets and if so, what was your technique and did you paint them just white or do they have some sort of glaze finish?
I have the intention to try a sort of shopping ban after our holidays haha, curious to see how I fare with temptations left and right.
I'm curious, Kat and others with curly hair — have you found any sort of updo or bun that looks professional and not matronly?
I'm curious to know if any of you have ever experienced the same sort of thing?
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