Sentences with phrase «currency board»

Because most wealthy Chinese seem to think about RMB in terms of USD or Hong Kong dollars, it is the fear that any depreciation of the RMB against those two currencies (the Hong Kong dollar is pegged to the USD through a modified currency board) greater than the couple of percentage points interest rate differential would yield less than equivalent USD or Hong Kong dollar bonds.
Other Asian equity markets have on average fallen modestly in recent months, led by falls in the Hong Kong market, where currency board arrangements mean that interest rates are expected to rise as the US Fed starts to tighten.
As the audience was spilling out of the salesroom, reeling from the strong results, Lucy Mitchell - Innes, a former Sotheby's expert who is now a Manhattan dealer, noted that on the electronic currency board there, rubles were missing, perhaps a sign that Russian buyers were going to be less in evidence this season.
Monetary policy consists of the actions of a central bank, currency board or other regulatory committee that determine the size and rate of growth of the money supply, which in turn affects interest rates.
If they can't do that, let's simplify the system, and move back to a currency board or a gold standard.
O'Grady: Argentina: convertibility, not a currency board.
My view is that everyone benefits in the long run from hard money, whether we have a currency board, a tight central bank following a Wicksellian mandate, or yes, a commodity standard.
The Fed is already viewed with enough skepticism by average people, that it wouldn't take much to tip the scale from «Audit the Fed,» to «End the Fed,» where it gets replaced with the currency board tied to a commodity standard.
Monetary policy consists of the actions of a central bank, currency board or other regulatory committee that determine the size and rate of growth of the money supply, which in turn affects interest rates.
Maybe they should get out of the prediction business, and in the process, replace the Fed with a currency board based on gold, commodities, or limited fiat money that does not let the yield curve gat too steep or too flat / inverted.
Go back to a gold standard, or at worst a currency board.
Currency boards, pushed by my old professor, Dr. Steven Hanke, are another good idea.
Please, let us get a totally new cast of characters at the Fed, or eliminate it and replace it with a commodity standard or a currency board.
But it does not do well with macroeconomic management, so it should give up on that, run balanced budgets, and replace the Fed with a currency board.
IBC uses the currency board model as inspiration, effectively pegging bitcoin to the US dollar, euro or another currency.
The basic idea of a currency board - inspired system would have to be amended with a revaluation rule for exchange rates.
However, the team concedes that the currency board approach has a defect: it can not absorb excess coins in circulation.
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