Sentences with phrase «current cancer treatments»

In the long term, I would like to keep contributing to the improvement of current cancer treatment modalities, either by running my own lab, or by coordinating a clinical therapeutics development program, like the work that is being performed at NCI's Cancer Therapy Evaluation Program.
«Current cancer treatment often focuses on targeting cancer cells, but is not focused on targeting the fibrotic connective tissue, that may develop first, before you have cancer.
The benefits of a ketogenic diet, and dietary manipulation in general, may be a potent adjunct to current cancer treatments by synergistically working with chemotherapy and radiation therapy to starve cancer cells, leaving them more susceptible to damage from these treatments.7 — 10
The researchers suggest that their study demonstrates the potential of these non-toxic therapies to contribute to current cancer treatment regimens and significantly improve the outcome of patients with advanced metastatic cancer.
Even more remarkable is that when the body does somehow induce a late - stage spontaneous remission, sending metastatic cancers spinning in reverse until they vanish, the body not only overcomes the evasions and counterattacks mounted by the cancer, it does so without the terrible side effects that can accompany current cancer treatments.
Most current cancer treatments, such as chemotherapy, can't tell healthy cells from cancerous ones.
There is evidence that visceral fat and high - fat diets can increase cancer risk; and while current cancer treatments have helped to lower cancer mortality, the number of obesity - associated cancers continues to climb.»
But these results could help clinicians boost the effectiveness of current cancer treatments, Diehl said.
Current cancer treatments often disrupt all cells in the body to some degree.
The past century has unveiled a plethora of preclinical data that has suggested the potential of a ketogenic diet as an aid in cancer treatment.7, 8 The benefits of a ketogenic diet, and dietary manipulation in general, may be a potent adjunct to current cancer treatments by synergistically working with chemotherapy and radiation therapy to starve cancer cells, leaving them more susceptible to damage from these treatments.7 - 10
He says that the new nanoparticles accumulate preferentially in tumors, which could drastically reduce the side effects of current cancer treatments that usually kill healthy cells along with the targeted cancer cells.
Ultimately, the reeducation of stromal cells to recover the control mechanisms responsible for normal tissue homeostasis might be an innovative strategy to support the current cancer treatments.
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