Sentences with phrase «current debt structure»

That is why our credit advisers work closely with your Relationship Manager to gain a deep understanding of your financial circumstances and analyse your current debt structure.
According to the Parliamentary Budget Office (PBO), the fiscal structure of the provincial - territorial government sector is not sustainable (Fiscal Sustainability Report 2012), given their current debt structures and the pressures that they will face from an ageing population.

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There can be a successful European Union, and many of the changes that are needed to ensure success are likely to be relatively easy to implement, especially if they are part of an overall package that includes significant debt restructuring and forgiveness, but the current structure is not in place.
China must switch from the current growth model to a completely different growth model as smoothly as possible, and the more debt it has, and the more distorted the structure of that debt, the more difficult it will be to manage this switch smoothly.
Although a number of factors led to this decision, a few worth noting are a modest level of debt (22 % of the capital structure, as shown in the Capital Structure box), ample cash (nearly $ 15 billion at yearend 2011, as noted in the Current Position box, which is directly below the Capital Structure box), and a lengthy history of solid earnings (which can be seen in the Statisticastructure, as shown in the Capital Structure box), ample cash (nearly $ 15 billion at yearend 2011, as noted in the Current Position box, which is directly below the Capital Structure box), and a lengthy history of solid earnings (which can be seen in the StatisticaStructure box), ample cash (nearly $ 15 billion at yearend 2011, as noted in the Current Position box, which is directly below the Capital Structure box), and a lengthy history of solid earnings (which can be seen in the StatisticaStructure box), and a lengthy history of solid earnings (which can be seen in the Statistical Array).
For borrowers with short - term or floating - rate debt, we believe that now is the time to analyze your balance sheet and determine whether your current liability structure is appropriate for your situation.
The debt retirement will be structured to be combined with the District's current debt, a significant portion of which will be retired in the next few years.
The District has worked with their bond consultants to formulate a bond structure that would increase the amount of property taxes that a $ 300,000 market value house pays to the Park District by $ 36 over current levels to retire this new debt.
Leverage and interest coverage are both very strong for the group, in fact at 1.0 x Net Debt / NTM EBITDA the group is actually under - levered and would obtain a more optimal capital structure by adding debt at current rates, perhaps choosing to repurchase shares with the dDebt / NTM EBITDA the group is actually under - levered and would obtain a more optimal capital structure by adding debt at current rates, perhaps choosing to repurchase shares with the ddebt at current rates, perhaps choosing to repurchase shares with the debtdebt.
The way the Freedom Debt Relief program is structured, your monthly program deposits could be lower than your current minimum payments.
This means that if the borrower is late in repayment of the debt, the loan and its attached fee will be refinanced at the current fee structure.
Molot argues that not only would this change in law firm structure alleviate the previously mentioned flaws in the current structure, but it would allow firms to leverage debt or equity to finance growth.
Law schools, the Law Society and legal practitioners are inextricably involved in reinforcing the existing structures of training and practice that serve to reproduce and aggravate the current model of debt servitude law.
Since joining in 2004, Blake has progressed from a Junior Credit analyst to his current role as a Senior Director and as such, is responsible for originating, structuring and underwriting debt and equity facilities ranging from $ 10 - $ 200 million.
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