Sentences with phrase «current dynamics of»

He or she should also include a discussion of the current Absorption Rate (the rate at which properties are able to be sold or «absorbed» in an area within a given period of time), which will give you a picture of the current dynamics of the market place and allow you to estimate how quickly your home will sell.
Systemic approaches understand problems in a contextual framework and focus on understanding and shifting the current dynamics of relationships, families, and even work settings.
Amid the current dynamics of the international landscape, businesses should establish and maintain plans and processes that allow for nimble response to change.
Our sales and marketing strategies are rooted in a comprehensive understanding of our customer segments, the current dynamics of the marketplace and the most effective use of new technology and media platforms.
It is unlikely that the Church of England's decision will profoundly change the current dynamics of the church there, at least for the moment.

Not exact matches

The logic being that the current investors and founders have more inside knowledge of the company performance and dynamics than a brand new investor and thus if the new investor is going to «pay up» they shouldn't take all of the pricing risk in the deal.
The discussion of inflation in the minutes also mirrored much of the recent public discussion by Chair Yellen, who acknowledged the difficulties the committee has in understanding current inflation dynamics and why inflation continues to remain below target, despite very accommodative policies.
Stops can't just be placed randomly nor placed based on the position size you want to trade, they need to make sense and be in the context of the price action trade signal / setup and also in the context of the current market dynamics.
Because purchasing decisions are made by teams, the thought processes of the marketing and sales functions must catch up with the current dynamics on the path toward a sale.
Current market dynamics require the use of more than one strategy to achieve these goals, however.
The current yield of 1.55 % might not be massive like AT&T's dividend (which is why we diversify, and it's why I'm listing 10 different stocks with different dynamics here), but Walt Disney more than makes up for that via strong dividend growth: the five - year dividend growth rate is 30.1 %, which is one of the higher rates you'll run across.
But for less - cyclical firms (and even for cyclicals where structural industry dynamics have altered over time), investors are wrongly assuming that the forward outlook of the past (which determined the historical multiple) will be the same as the forward outlook of the present (which determines the current multiple).
«Contrary to some recent analysis and commentary on the New Zealand dairy sector, Rabobank's view is the current price trough is part of an extended negative phase of the commodity cycle and not a structural, permanent change to supply and demand dynamics,» he said.
In it, four young urban professionals intertwine in a web of social, racial and gender politics, questioning both current and ingrained cultural attitudes about racism and other social dynamics.
Maybe, although we both agree that our current family dynamics (for all of their challenges) suit us very well and we're quite happy with our brood.
The frustration about the European project and current leadership can have different dynamics and paths of development in different countries.
The current political dynamics demand sobriety and deeper meditation than we see some politicians and academicians do.The partisan environment is affecting the thinking direction of some persons who ought to have been our hope in discussing policies of state.
I have not seen anybody else produce such detailed attitudes research on the dynamics of how different principles of need, desert and entitlement interact in current public attitudes.
Primarily there is relatively little known about the dynamics of major ocean currents and circulation and the role of the Southern Ocean.
Current Biology, «Diffusion dynamics of socially learned foraging techniques in squirrel monkeys.»
Observation of room - temperature magnetic skyrmions and their current - driven dynamics in ultrathin metallic ferromagnets.
Current projects include modeling the biophysical mechanisms underlying synaptic plasticity and learning in dendritic trees, the dynamics of neuronal networks in the outer plexiform layer of the retina, and modeling the integration of multiple synaptic inputs in muscle fiber.
On one level, there's the dynamics of electrical currents that constitute the main signaling method of the brain's nerve cells.
Braun believes their results «may aid in the development of better treatments for dry eye, and also add valuable context and understanding for current imaging techniques used to observe tear film dynamics
And the Atlantic is not the only ocean on the globe with such mercurial currents: A similar effort to understand the dynamics of the southern ocean around Antarctica would help explain the complexity of ocean and climate interactions.
But to completely understand the dynamics of the clasps on Jupiter's magnetic skirt, «we need to measure the total electric current in the electrojets,» says Kivelson.
Testosterone drove these changes in market dynamics by increasing bidding, selling prices, and volume and changed traders» perception of a stock's current value even though true values were known during trading.
The current study, led by John Regan, a postdoctoral researcher at Ireland's Dublin City University, modeled the process using software developed by Columbia's Greg Bryan, and includes the effects of gravity, fluid dynamics, chemistry and radiation.
In the current research, scientists led by Hao Cao, a UCLA postdoctoral scholar working in the laboratory of Christopher T. Russell, created a model to show how the dynamics of Mercury's core contribute to this unusual phenomenon.
We could change our current course and try to work carefully with the natural dynamics of the planet and the uncertainties of the environment, especially when it comes to our own inadvertent effects.
«It is essential to understand the dynamics of cultural inheritance at different temporal and spatial scales, to uncover the underlying mechanisms that drive these dynamics, and to shed light on their implications for our current theory of evolution as well as for our interpretation and predictions regarding human behavior.»
According to a group of current and former researchers at Arizona State University, the key to unlocking this complex, geochemical puzzle rests in a model of mantle dynamics consisting of plumes — upwelling's of abnormally hot rock within Earth's mantle — that originate in the lower mantle and physically interact with chemically distinct piles of material.
A group of former and current Arizona State University researchers say chemical differences found between rocks samples at volcanic hotspots around the world can be explained by a model of mantle dynamics that involves plumes, upwellings of abnormally hot rock within the Earth's mantle, that originate in the lower mantle and physically interact with chemically distinct piles of material.
«This study not only fills the gap in the current knowledge of the dynamics of an elliptic vortex ring,» says Cheng, «but also addresses the issue of whether an elliptic ring undergoes vortex stretching and compression during axis - switching, which is important for various applications.»
«Sustaining current and projected rates of Arctic oil and gas could transform local economies and global energy dynamics
Marine microbes in 4D — using time series observation to assess the dynamics of the ocean microbiome and its links to ocean health — Pier Luigi Buttigieg — Current Opinion in Microbiology
We will also discuss the theory of planetary physical processes (e.g. circulation, dynamics, thermodynamics, radiative transfer, cloud microphysics) and review the current status of the modelling of planetary atmospheres in order to calculate observables such as light curves.
Given the strength of the Hurst coefficients — something we all agree on — is it not possible that a large portion of the current warming trend is a product of internal climate variability, as mediated by complex dynamics of ocean circulation?
Identification of proteins that bind and control microtubule nucleation and dynamics during mitosis (Vernos group, Current Biology 2012, 2013, Nature Comm 2014, 2015, Current Biology 2015, J Cell Sci 2016, Mol Biol Cell 2016).
The current SDSS - III project is focussing on three areas: dark energy and cosmological parameters; the structure, dynamics, and chemical evolution of the Milky Way; and the architecture of planetary systems.
This research report on global nanoparticle drug delivery market provides an in - depth analysis of the market with special emphasis on the global market size, current market trends, dynamics and other factors that might have an impact on the market.
The consensus is that several factors are important: atmospheric composition (the concentrations of carbon dioxide, methane); changes in the Earth's orbit around the Sun known as Milankovitch cycles (and possibly the Sun's orbit around the galaxy); the motion of tectonic plates resulting in changes in the relative location and amount of continental and oceanic crust on the Earth's surface, which could affect wind and ocean currents; variations in solar output; the orbital dynamics of the Earth - Moon system; and the impact of relatively large meteorites, and volcanism including eruptions of supervolcanoes.
My past and current work focuses on evolution of various forms of cooperation within and between species, social and ecological networks, and human social evolution and socio - ecological dynamics.
His current research interests are in morphogenesis, addressing the problem of «growth and form» in animal development; and statistical genetics, which aims to quantitatively describe evolutionary dynamics in populations.
Understanding the current and future dynamics and vulnerability of the Mediterranean marine carbonate system, however, requires the knowledge of long - term natural variability of the basin.
His current research is mainly focused on the application of efficient computational methods to understand the structure and dynamics of hydrogen - bonded systems ranging from water clusters to atmospheric aerosols.
Fluid dynamics are important; the patterns of curvature and current influence where sediment — or atherosclerosis — builds up.
A major portion of Loss ′ s current research involves the theory of spin dynamics, spin coherence, spintronics in two - dimensional electron gases, and spin - related phenomena in semiconducting quantum dots — artificial atoms and molecules.
Current research includes spin relaxation and decoherence in quantum dots due to spin - orbit and hyperfine interaction; non-Markovian spin dynamics in bosonic and nuclear spin environments; generation and characterization of non-local entanglement with quantum dots, superconductors, Luttinger liquids or Coulomb scattering in interacting 2DEGs; spin currents in magnetic insulators and in semiconductors; spin Hall effect in disordered systems; spin orbit effects in transport and noise; asymmetric quantum shot noise in quantum dots; entanglement transfer from electron spins to photons; QIP with spin qubits in quantum dots and molecular magnets; macroscopic quantum phenomena (spin tunneling and coherence) in molecular and nanoscale magnetism.
Areas of current interest are projects that combine engineering, microelectronics, computational sciences, and new concepts of brain dynamics.
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