Sentences with phrase «current electricity capacity»

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The latter has set itself against the development of any new nuclear capacity, but trying to work out how far that will dictate the future of electricity generation draws us into a complex area of the current devolution settlement.
The electric eel generates large electric currents by way of a highly specialized nervous system that has the capacity to synchronize the activity of disc - shaped, electricity - producing cells packed into a specialized electric organ.
And the efficiency with which a field generates electricity can be improved in the future by moving to higher temperature operation, he adds; the current design employs steam at 440 degrees Celsius and 63 kilograms per square centimeter of pressure at peak capacity.
This is more than ten times the UK's current electricity storage capacity, enabling the use of significantly more wind and solar energy.
Japan's 80,000 megawatts of potential capacity using conventional technologies could meet half of its current electricity demand.
The current level of electricity provided by wind farms represent a low amount, around 5GW of capacity in the UK.
With a share of 100 % renewable energy sources and 12 times the current grid capacity, the balancing capacity of fossil fuel power plants can be reduced to 15 % of the total annual electricity consumption, which represents the maximum possible benefit of transmission for Europe.
In the case of a grid with 80 % renewables, the generation capacity needs to be six times larger than the peak load, while the excess electricity would be equal to 60 % of the EU's current annual electricity consumption.
EIA collects electric capacity data in alternating - current megawatts (MWAC), the type of electricity used in homes and on the grid.
Of course, even condor protection alone would likely limit affected turbine electricity output to 10 or 20 % of rated capacity, instead of their current 30 % average.
Secondly, by creating profits from selling the current electricity generation (made by old machines) money can be reinvested into new capacity.
Current law requires utilities to accept customer - generated electricity up to 4 % of their peak capacity that cap is being increased to 15 %.
The official goals for 2020 and 2030 are 10,000 and 20,000 megawatts, respectively, with the latter capacity equal to 6 percent of Japan's current electricity consumption.
More on solar power: if 15 percent of present world rooftop area were to be used to site photovoltaics with an assumed conversion efficiency of 20 %, the current global electricity power capacity would be created.
India's rapid economic growth will increase significantly the electricity demand during the next decades, therefore India needs to make massive investments in order to expand its current installed capacity and to improve the stability of its electric grid.
According to India's draft national electricity plan, no new coal - fired stations will be required during 2017 — 22, with current capacity and projected renewables capacity sufficient to meet demand growth.
This would be through high - capacity High - Voltage Direct Current power lines connecting the Woomera Prohibited Area to electricity consumption markets of Asia.
An American Solar Energy Society (ASES) study concluded that the sun - rich southwestern United States — after excluding its less promising areas — has a potential solar power generating capacity of 7,000 gigawatts of electricity, roughly seven times current U.S. generating capacity from all sources.
About 60 percent of Ontario's current generation capacity is already accounted for by low - emission hydro or nuclear - generated electricity, with the balance provided by natural - gas generation and to a lesser extent by renewables.
Now India's National Solar Mission aims to source 20,000 megawatts of electricity from solar power by 2022 — about 4,000 megawatts more than the current capacity provided by all forms of renewable energy.
Current generation land - based nuclear reactors cost $ 10,000,000 per megawatt capacity or about $ 5 billion for the power plant not counting the cost of the equipment to convert electricity to fuel.
Scottish Power argues that under current market rules if a DSR CMU (Capacity Market Unit - «a unit of electricity generation capacity or electricity demand reduction that can then be put forward in a future Capacity Market auction» according to the government definition), consisting of energy storage, is located behind the meter (BTM) it will not be subject to duration deCapacity Market Unit - «a unit of electricity generation capacity or electricity demand reduction that can then be put forward in a future Capacity Market auction» according to the government definition), consisting of energy storage, is located behind the meter (BTM) it will not be subject to duration decapacity or electricity demand reduction that can then be put forward in a future Capacity Market auction» according to the government definition), consisting of energy storage, is located behind the meter (BTM) it will not be subject to duration deCapacity Market auction» according to the government definition), consisting of energy storage, is located behind the meter (BTM) it will not be subject to duration de-rating.
Maryland's current «hosting capacity» — essentially how much solar would be needed to meet the state's electricity demand — is about 32 GW.
The current world electricity system operates at an average capacity factor of about 50 %, so that means about 64TW of generation.
A report from Parsons Brinckerhoff (PB) claims that «the current mix of generating plant will be unable to ensure reliable electricity supply with significantly more than 10 GW of wind capacity.
As you can see, Greenpeace is not used as a scientific reference as Laframboise implies, but instead as an example of the many different estimates of «current global installed peak capacity [of solar electricity]».
In late June 2008, President Mwai Kibaki announced a plan to install some 1,700 megawatts of new geothermal capacity within 10 years — 13 times greater than the current capacity and one - and - a-half times greater than the country's total electricity generating capacity from all sources.
One of S&P's strategies to achieve a stabilization wedge is to add double the current global nuclear capacity to replace coal - based electricity.
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