Sentences with phrase «current facts»

When building your territory, consider historical and current facts about: home inventory diversity, current average days on market, units sold, average and median price.
We have one of two options: 1 - accept current facts and do nt ask more than the current manager / players can provide and make peace with yourselves.
Of course the latter scenario means that the business owner will have to train all its staff to provide the right and most current facts on the food served and will have no way of checking if the correct details had been given by the employee (just imagine all the «he said, she said» discussions), with turnover times rising sky high in the meantime.
Birth Boot Camp courses present the most current facts, information, and resources from midwives, doulas, lactation consultants, chiropractors, and a community of pregnancy, birth, and parenting experts.
Welcome to the MDRT media room — your resource for current facts and information about MDRT.
In each case Coren explains where the Church stands and examines current facts (and myths).
I tend to think Ireland will ultimately muddle through the current crisis... First, people often extrapolate current facts, figures & trends in a rather absurd manner.
I would not think that any study that reviews the historical and current fact situation in a given policy arena and then makes recommendations that are two or three steps ahead of the government, but not too many more, is actually invaluable.
Martin brought a wealth of experience and provided valuable insight that was supported by current facts and figures from multiple job markets.
The most current facts we know about PETA confirm this, too.
STEP THREE: Memorize at least one current fact about the economy.
All statements other than statements of historical or current fact are, or may be deemed to be, forward - looking statements.
These statements can be identified by the fact that they do not relate strictly to historical or current facts.
Meanwhile, it is not unusual for markets to jump to the worst - case scenario even if the current facts do not justify such a leap in logic.
Based on current facts, the Google car doesn't seem a lot better than human drivers 2.
For instance, the optimism bias gives us a rosier view of the future than current facts might suggest.
Moderate daily physical activity can substantially reduce the risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and many other types of cancers, according to current facts.
There are the current facts of high fructose corn syrup, what you want to believe is up to you.
But all too often, the consensus is simply the best narrative that seems to fit the current facts.
Our S&P 500 graph calculation is a current fact.
I disagree: Edge had a concise message on what their editorial staff thought in light of (still) current facts («This is your next console»).
The focus of Jacir's research encompasses a both autobiographical and socio - political component, with an eye to revealing those aesthetic and poetic elements embedded in the material traces of history and current facts.
At some point, your firm should compare the profitability of each of its areas of practice, and I suspect the foreclosure work would end up being one of the least profitable practices, given the current facts.
This is simply a current fact of life in a province known for having a healthy and thriving litigation bar.
A statement of future fact or future intention must be inherently more uncertain than a statement of current fact.
Here are some current facts: There are some 7.6 million individuals currently receiving care at home.
To make matters more complicated, Carvin says Facebook's current fact - checking system is only built to debunk «indisputably, fully fake stories.»
The Buyer will have their own inspections to get the current facts on the property.
«I incorporate technology by using it to present the most current facts to sellers.
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