Sentences with phrase «current meta»

The phrase "current meta" refers to the current trends, strategies, and popular choices in a game, sport, or other competitive activity. It basically means what is currently popular or effective at a given time. Full definition
The current meta - analysis was designed to help put the issue to rest.
He was a trend setter, he didn't follow the typical, current meta.
The new single - player mode, Dungeon Run, has been well received, and the current meta feels fresh again.
As I learned from my mistakes and improved, I recently felt confident enough to form my own LLC in the hopes of bringing on close family and friends as part owners (essentially limited partners) and manage our savings in a more productive and less expensive manner than the current meta of mutual funds or indexing.
Currently on the PTR, Brigitte looks like she's primed to overthrow the current meta, being both a tank and support style character with some really interesting abilities.
In this Heroes of the Storm Tier List we provide Hero rankings based on the current meta and our personal exper
The current meta is Mida Multi-Tool and an auto rifle which goes to show what Bungie has done to the PvP.
Right now the deck 95 % complete, but it's not up to date with the current meta.
The new single - player mode, Dungeon Run, has been well received, and the current meta feels fresh again.
Bungie continues to offer updates, and not just the hot fixes that serve to balance out the current meta of the Crucible.
But personally, I love the current meta.
Fire Emblem Heroes players are going to have to rethink the current meta and rearrange tier lists when a new feature drops next month.
The warrior is an incredibly versatile class with a strong foothold in the current meta game in all 3 modes of gameplay, able to excel using a variety of different builds.
This week the guys took part in #Rogue29Club and joined the community in what players hope is a fairer PVP experience outside of the current meta
The current meta - analysis summarizes available prospective cohort studies and examines whether depression is predictive of the development of overweight and obesity and, in turn, whether overweight and obesity are predictive of the development of depression.
In the current meta - analysis it was not possible to compare studies that used a between - family design with studies that employed a within - family design, simply because there were too few studies with within - family comparisons.
Although we have predicted abnormality in the amygdala as a potential neural correlate of abnormal emotional processing in individuals with antisocial behavior, the current meta - analysis suggested that abnormality in the anterior insula may also be responsible for abnormal emotional processing among them.
Possibly, attachment is more important at younger ages, while parental control remains to be an important risk factor of delinquency, given that the attachment - delinquency link was found to become weaker at older ages (current meta - analysis) while the parental control - delinquency link was not moderated by age (Hoeve et al. 2009).
The current meta - analytic study examined the differential impact of maltreatment and various socioeconomic risks on attachment security and disorganization.
The current meta - analysis will investigate mean levels of stress in specific domains of family functioning, and compare levels of stress between parents of preterm and term infants, and fathers and mothers of preterm infants.
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