Sentences with phrase «current political developments»

While the artists are keenly aware of current political developments in Russia, they were really responding to the early Soviet artworks.
Until recently, the Rochdale Lib Dem website had a Sir Cyril Smith page, where the veteran former MP regularly weighed in with his verdict on current political developments.
They and the other guest artists presenting their work in the KunstHalle — Eman Hamdy (Egypt), Enkelejd Zonja (Albania), and Sofiane Zouggar (Algeria)-- will surely address the issue of how current political developments in the Arab world are impacting contemporary art.
While fundamentally different in many ways, current political developments in the Philippines and Indonesia showcase an erosion of fundamental rights, respect of differences and due process.
The seated figure in Selfie wears a gas mask, evoking Cold War tensions and nuclear paranoia — a psycho - political state of anxiety which has a contemporary relevance due to current political developments.
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