Sentences with phrase «current regimen»

= What is the protocol proposed for the hand transplant program at UPMC and how is it different from current regimens?
He credits the likes of Dr. Jack Daniels» Running Formula and distance superstar Alberto Salazar, among others, for his current regimen for the St. Francis squad.
Not knowing the timing of your labs (in relation to when your last injection was) makes it difficult to say, but I can tell you that your current regimen seems more aggressive than I would recommend.
Continuing with my current regimen of BJJ 4 - 5 times per week and weight lifting 1 - 2 times per week can only help things, especially by making me more insulin sensitive and countering my genetic predisposition for insulin resistance.
From here, depending on your experience, we will want to dial back your current regimen or take the necessary steps to start one.
Jill's current regimen is the result of 3 things: understanding her least effective dose of exercise and most automated way of eating to maintain her physique, being OK without a meal plan and shifting her mindset away from thinking she needed to constantly be losing weight.
We'll explain how your current regimen might be making the problem worse and how you can fine - tune your skincare routine for skin - changing results!
It can be more drying than my current regimen however.
Our ideal policy would go even further in this direction, but it's a good start: The federal government would maintain performance standards, but offer more ways for schools to meet them than the current regimen of tests.

Phrases with «current regimen»

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