Sentences with phrase «current simulation runs»

Bob Wisnieff, the principal investigator of the IBM study, says their current simulation runs about «a billion times slower» than the theoretical estimates for an actual 56 - qubit quantum computer.
This override remains effective until you end the current simulation run either by «Returning to main» or choosing «Reset to baseline».

Not exact matches

Model simulations were run over 15 years in 18 counties in Northern and Southern California, assuming a control scenario that reflects the current status of the urban areas, and a cool roof scenario in which all buildings had commercially available cool roofs installed.
Running simulations with an Earth System model, the researchers find that if atmospheric CO2 were still at pre-industrial levels, our current warm «interglacial» period would tip over into a new ice age in around 50,000 years» time.
Therefore, the current CMIP5 simulations run from 2005 in scenario mode (see Figure 6) rather than being driven by observed forcings.
and «Here the Hadley cell widening is assessed in current GCMs from historical simulations of the twentieth century as well as future climate projections and preindustrial control runs»
If someone wants to run a 1000 - year ocean simulation to work out what happens to the thermohaline current (see Predictability?
The number of simulations the Tournament runs and analyzes, with the current 653 entrants, is just over 139 million per industry.
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