Sentences with phrase «current state of development»

In an opinion article, published by Chinese business news site Yicai on Friday, Yao summarized the current state of development of bitcoin and blockchain technology and offered his view on how the future of the tech should play out.
«General Review of the Current State of Development of Gene, Cell, and Tissue Therapies.»
What level of competency has the given entity — organization, team, person — reached (what is the current state of development) and what level should be achieved as a result of undergoing the development process (what is the desirable state)?
What's the current state of development of the DBX, and who will buy it?
These spy shots provide a great look at the more practical variant's current state of development.
According to Google, the current state of development requires iPhone users to run a companion app on their smartphone in order to gain basic functionality (like notifications and Google Now's ambient information cards, voice search, and other voice actions).
You can read the post in full, which also discusses the current state of development, by clicking here.
That's according to a new report which details the game's current state of development, and which tallies with information provided to Eurogamer by sources close to Nintendo.
The game is still in development so the posted screenshots are works in progress, we'll keep you up to date with regular posts about how the project is going and post new screenies of the current state of development.
Meaning, many have recognized this represents the best of VR in its current state of development.
Mar 24: «Debate Night (争论夜晚2010)-- Motion: Given its current state of development, China has taken sufficient steps to mitigate climate change» with Mark Levine, Lawrence Berkeley National Labs & Debbie Seligsohn, World Resources Insitute vs. Even Rogers Pay, Energy Foundation & Huang He, Sino - Danish Programme on Renewable Energy.
I think a lot of attitudes derive from the ambiguity and uncertainty of the conclusions reached by the science in it's current state of development.
This makes more sense than betting now on wind and solar power to fulfil a large part of our energy needs, at least with the current state of development.
It has taken 114 years — since the Wright brothers flew the first airplane — for aviation law to reach its current state of development.
Describing the current state of development as «very ad - hoc, reputation based» and unwelcoming to new participants, he said that the amount of money being invested into bitcoin demanded «a more well - defined governance process and contribution process».
Given the current state of development, adoption of the lightning network should only increase throughout 2018 — not just among developers, but increasingly among end users as well.
However, 9to5Google reports that the current state of development of the Max is still up in the air, so there's a good chance it might not be ready to show off at the Google event on Wednesday.
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