Sentences with phrase «current tendency»

Whatever you may think about this critique of current tendencies in abstract painting, it seems that all is not well in the world of contemporary practice.
It sits at the intersection of current tendencies toward old - fashioned comfort food, and the lust for primitive paleo diets.
Whatever you may think about this critique of current tendencies in abstract painting, it seems that all is not well in the world -LSB-.....]
Presenting the work of a diverse selection of international artists, both emerging and established, the programme provides a snapshot of current tendencies within the medium.
I think it is possible to make some calculated guesses based upon current tendencies within the liberal church.
Modesty about any future projections is generated by the recognition that «almost any day has some chance of bringing up some new crisis or unexpected event that becomes a historical turning point, diverting current tendencies so that expectations for the distant future must shift.»
In particular your statement:» Peer reviewers should eschew the common current tendency to find fault or to identify minor errors.
Through independent projects and collaborations AS wish to instigate immersions and critical approaches to the cross-disciplinary field and its potentials through presenting and discussing current tendencies within art, architecture and society.
Here's a photo of a wall drawing I did at the Haggerty Museum (Milwaukee) for the show Current Tendencies.
Center for Contemporary Arts Estonia (CCAE), founded in 1992, is a non-profit expert institution in international cooperation projects with a role to activate and develop Estonian contemporary art scene, conceptualizing current tendencies of visual culture and participating in a critical dialogue in society.
Another refreshing aspect of the museum's programs are the thoughtful group shows through which the curatorial team have been able to explore current tendencies and preoccupations of contemporary art practice.
The Haggerty Museum of Art presents Current Tendencies III Artists from Milwaukee an exhibition on view August 21 — December 22, 2013.
There are current tendencies toward answering in the negative, pretending to find proof in the Qur» an itself.
The current tendency to line up on the issue in terms of the party from which one comes reflects non-Wesleyan aspects of each of the current groups.
Though Meiklejohn is representative of the current tendency in one way, there is another way in which he is not representative.
The church's current tendency toward spiritual inwardness may be a sign of our poor health.
Bonhoeffer would not have accepted the current tendencies in religious psychology to strip away all masks and forms.
Mick Harford, a bruising centre - forward in his day, recently had hard words about the current tendency.
If we're serious about things, our overall aim should be to «open up» membership in local parties away from the current tendency to have a closed shop.
He even dared to lampoon Hollywood's current tendency to congratulate itself for «diversity.»
This is Ron Howard's first Western, he seems quite comfortable with the conventions of the genre, with each scene pushing the gripping story along without the current tendency for sentimentality or blatant revisionism.
With the No Child Left Behind law up for reauthorization this year, the onus is now on lawmakers and educators to find a way to maintain accountability while mitigating the current tendency to reduce schooling to a joyless grind of practice exams and empty instruction in «reading strategies.»
Current tendencies, artistic approaches and forms of expression are examined and discussed in reference to Germany's very international art world.
By means of exhibitions and various event formats, KW has aligned itself towards the current tendencies of the national and international art and cultural discourse, and has actively developed them on a collaborative level with artists, institutions, and by means of commissioned works.
And given the current tendency of museums to opt for loud, high - calorie shows that often offer little in the way of nourishment, this quieter, more academic exploration of Black Mountain College feels both refreshingly new and substantial.
In conjunction with the exhibition Martha Wilson, Performing, Re-enacting and Reacting will explore key complex issues surrounding the current tendency to re-perform historical works.
The exhibition consists of works from nine actively working artists that reside in Germany and the United States — countries of the trendsetters, who dictate the current tendencies and directions of contemporary art.
Each installment of the Current Tendencies exhibition series has differed slightly, and for this edition participating artists will respond to work (s) from the permanent collection of the Haggerty Museum.
Unfortunately it shows, in my judgment, a current tendency by this group of scientists and their supporters to react by down grading some serious and basic statistical errors and inabilities to place uncertainty measures on results to a level of «minor» flaws and to characterize the criticisms as personal attacks.
Federal Circuit Firmly Rejects PTAB Criteria For Covered Business Method Review In a recent panel decision that deviates from the Federal Circuit's current tendency to defer to the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office's interpretation of the Leahy - Smith America Invents Act, the court vacated a final written decision of the USPTO...
In a recent panel decision that deviates from the Federal Circuit's current tendency to defer to the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office's interpretation of the Leahy - Smith America Invents Act, the court vacated a final written decision of the USPTO Patent Trial and Appeal Board.
This reflects the current tendency — job seekers spend so much time crafting their resumes that they forget that this type of document...
This reflects the current tendency — job seekers spend so much time crafting their resumes that they forget that this type of document was is never meant to get them hired.
Still another is the current tendency to treat BPD with medication alone.»
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