Sentences with phrase «current theological studies»

Hopefully, by arranging theology this way, the study of theology leads us to action, rather than to more abstraction as commonly happens with current theological studies.

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In theological studies, however, I frequently encounter people who read a text of Scripture that seems difficult to them and their preconceived ideas of what should be in the Bible, and when they read these troublesome texts, they jump straight to the conclusion that best fits their current theological system.
Many more current graduate students locate themselves in theological studies than in religious studies (49 percent versus 37 percent, with the remainder rejecting the terminological division).
The current division of theological studies into Bible, history, theology, ethics and practical theology reflects a very old Theological Encyclopedia, but one whose foundations in a theology of the Word, of teaching office, of church and ministry, if not discredited, are at least invisible to present - day students — probably because many of them simply do not share the old consensus about the church which produced this Theological Entheological studies into Bible, history, theology, ethics and practical theology reflects a very old Theological Encyclopedia, but one whose foundations in a theology of the Word, of teaching office, of church and ministry, if not discredited, are at least invisible to present - day students — probably because many of them simply do not share the old consensus about the church which produced this Theological EnTheological Encyclopedia, but one whose foundations in a theology of the Word, of teaching office, of church and ministry, if not discredited, are at least invisible to present - day students — probably because many of them simply do not share the old consensus about the church which produced this Theological EnTheological Encyclopedia.
The critical study of the historical Jesus is an important task - perhaps important for reasons theological as well as historical - but The Five Gospels does not advance that task significantly, nor does it represent a fair picture of the current state of research on this problem.
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