Sentences with phrase «currently features the trailer»

The teaser website currently features the trailer, the wallpaper pictured above and two grayed - out items, «It's Gon na Be A Long Night» and «Public Spectacle», with the words «More Visits, More Movies» flashing over them.

Not exact matches

A substantial HD trailer for the DVD and Blu - ray release of «Star Wars: The Clone Wars - The Complete Season One» (with Blu - ray getting the hard sell, since it's currently the only way to see the Cartoon Network series in HD) rounds out the special features, while Warner's Blu - ray spot cues up on startup.
BookDaily is currently accepting author biographies, interviews, book trailers and related media in furthering enhancing the reader's experience and providing an opportunity for authors to feature their works.
There's also promise of a new trailer, one that will display some of the new features they're currently working on, but we won't be seeing that until the game receives some more polish.
If you are a fan of open world sand box games and have yet to play this game then you should be wearing a cone of shame right now, currently the game is salted for release later this year on the Xbox One and some of the prominent features of the game include the features from previous sand box games such combining two weapons together, super powers and MUCH more, so if you needed a reason to be hyped for this game you just got a whole lot of them, the trailers and screens should sell you on the game better.
Though the trailer features large monsters and a man apparently assuming traits from his dragon, no information on the game is currently available.
There are currently over 21 heroes and 4 of them (Tracer, Winston, Reaper, and Widowmaker) were already featured in the cinematic trailer, whilst you can read more about this in our Overwatch preview.
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