Sentences with phrase «curvy body shape»

And wrap anything is one of my favorite styles, so flattering on my more curvy body shape.
My breakdown of the «Must Have Dresses For Any Woman»: In the second collage (above), I found dresses I think are good staples for women of curvier body shapes:
Wealthy sugar mommies post their flashy homes, flashy cars, business empires and more so curvy body shape picture to attract young men.
Since I have a curvy body shape, my hips are prone to feel more pressure in a side sleeping position.
This is important to know, if you're a side sleeper like me, and have a curvy body shape.
Although I would need some serious undergarments to end up with that long, smooth, curvy body shape.
For the curvier body shapes like mine no belt is required, however you can always give it a shot with a wider elasticized belt to define the waist.
If you've got a curvy body shape with a large bosom, small waist and a shapely lower half, then you're a classic hourglass figure.
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