Sentences with phrase «custody fight»

Answer: Yes, obesity is increasingly being raised as an issue in custody fights.
It is a devastating situation for kids during child custody fights.
If children are involved, then custody fights and visitation schedules are likely of primary concern.
Most custody fights are fought over physical custody since there is usually a strong presumption of joint legal custody.
The public demanded a new law be created to revolutionize the litigation nightmare that custody fights created.
Stories about heated custody battles in the courtroom are daunting to hear, but the truth is that not every family goes through an extensive custody fight.
The thought of a child custody fight can be so unpleasant that you might want to avoid researching it.
Eissa will likely be fine, too, assuming there isn't a big, bad custody fight (those happen).
Chris's custody fight for his son escalates to devastating levels.
Not only can parents end up spending their children's future college tuition in court on custody fights with expenses for lawyers and psychological evaluations and court fees, but it can also exact an emotional toll that can affect a family for generations to come.
Increasingly, dogs, cats and other companion animals are the subject of bitter custody fights when couples divorce, and are gaining the upper paw when it comes to estate planning.
Studies demonstrate that protracted custody fights have devastating effects on the mental health of children.
Opponents of the bill said it would not only cost the courts money, but also lead to more, lengthy custody fights during divorces because the allocation of parenting time is used to calculate spousal support.
This is to prevent kidnapping in custody fights, but not every border asks for it.
In a bad custody fight, a parent in a tug - of - war with a former partner can count on meeting at least one mental health professional for an evaluation of his or her parenting skills.
That being so, it is well worth investigating by any couple facing divorce, a child custody fight, a visitation dispute, or other interpersonal conflict.
For many couples, the dog — I have yet to hear of a custody fight involving a cat — sometimes becomes a surrogate for the child they never had and the separation becomes fraught with tension.
After we are provided with some suspense, we see the custody fight settled with Katie and Cameron's relationship ending on a mixed, but cautiously optimistic note.
To understand how to win a custody fight against the mother, you first need to know what makes her act the way she does when you separate.
'' [H] ow will a divorcing couple embroiled in a custody fight even continue with the case when the children may have been evacuated to a different state?
Why is it that in the traditional legal arena, one parent has to «lose» in a custody fight?
If you were never married to your children's other parent, then your custody fight is a SAPCR that stands on its own.
One parent actively seeking to turn the children against the other in a custody fight is called parental alienation.
If you take the children away from their other parent during the custody fight, your spouse may accuse you of depriving the children of a relationship, with him or her.
Very few aspects of a divorce are more damaging to everyone involved than a custody fight that leaves children caught in a crossfire between battling parents fighting for control.
Why is it that in the traditional legal arena, one parent has to «lose» in a custody fight?
If you can't agree on a joint custody arrangement, then you'll need to gear up for a custody fight.
Anyone contemplating a custody fight should brace himself or herself for heavy involvement in the courts.
When Mom and Dad fight for their children, the children become caught in a crossfire known as a custody fight.
It is strongly recommended that you do your best to get along with the other parent as any custody fights may result in either parent withholding the child from the other parent and lead to distrust between both parents.
If you plan on taking your custody fight to court, it is wise to hire an attorney who can advocate for you.
In Joaquin Sapien's thorough (and thoroughly disturbing) article, For New York Families in Custody Fights, a «Black Hole» of Oversight, he reports on the story of a mother separated from her son as a result of an error - filled and incomplete analysis made by a court - appointed forensic psychologist.
This not only shields the child from the stress of a custody fight, but it also allows the parents the autonomy to work out a custody plan that works with both parents» schedules and the child's needs.
Linde claimed that if the Family Relations Act was amended to incorporate a «rebuttable presumption of shared parenting», many women in custody fights would stop playing «head games» with former spouses.
Parent - sponsored kidnapping, which had been occurring sporadically throughout our history, now appeared nationwide as an alternative to custody fights both during and after the divorce process.
Join us as we discuss a variety of topics including managing your new relationship in the aftermath of a high - conflict divorce and / or custody fight, parenting, step - parenting, as well as setting and maintaining boundaries.
Are you consumed with the idea of getting back at your partner through a dramatic divorce battle, custody fight, or financial dispute?
Sometimes, one parent will try to poison the child's relationship with the other parent to gain leverage in a custody fight.
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