Sentences with phrase «custody options»

The judge takes the time to get know your situation and examines the types of child custody options available before deciding to rule for sole custody or joint custody.
The judge takes the time to get know your situation and examines the types of child custody options available before deciding to rule for sole custody or joint custody.
The family courts can choose among single parent custody, joint custody, and a de facto custody options based on which support the best interests of the child.
Joint custody arrangements do not necessarily require parents to split time with the child equally, and there are many joint custody options available to families.
Consider all of the child custody options available to you, including shared parenting and bird's nest custody, before making a decision about what type of custody you want to pursue.
Consider all of the child custody options available to you, including shared parenting and bird's nest custody, before making a decision about what type of custody you want to pursue.
Caregivers who are considering providing a legal custody option for a child or youth should first discuss this option with the Children's Aid Society involved with the young person.
Child custody options in New Jersey include sole custody, joint legal custody, and shared legal and physical custody.
In an ideal world, divorcing or separating parents would be able to set aside their personal differences and decide — together — the best custody option for their child (ren).
For instance, someone that has $ 500,000 is probably worried about brushing up against SIPC insurance limits in a brokerage account and is probably exploring global custody options through a firm like Northern Trust so that he can be sure his assets are safe in the event of a brokerage failure.
Under child custody laws in Kentucky, there are three basic custody options: single parent custody, joint custody, and a de facto (see Third Party custody) custody.
Child custody options in New Jersey include sole custody, joint legal custody, and shared legal and...
Divorce mediation is a process which seeks to help a couple that is divorcing to negotiate the logistics of their separation, addressing items like property and shared assets, resources, debt, current living arrangements, and visitation / custody options for the children.
For further information, see our comprehensive Colorado divorce tools and forms section and our family resources section, which includes the latest divorce research regarding child custody options emphasizing shared parenting approaches, and reviews of helpful divorce and parenting books, videotapes, support groups and online resources:
Child custody options in New Jersey include sole custody, joint legal custody, and shared legal and...
In 2012 our legislature enacted S.C. Code § 63-15-230 (C), which reads, «If custody is contested or if either parent seeks an award of joint custody, the court shall consider all custody options, including, but not limited to, joint custody, and, in its final order, the court shall state its determination as to custody and shall state its reasoning for that decision.»
Another custody option for grandparents in Florida is temporary custody.
Learn tools for developing reasonable child - centered and custody options and the ethical challenges of parenting coordination and parenting facilitation; Understand the roles and skills of parenting coordinators and parenting facilitators; Better understand the dynamics and issues in co-parenting and the needs of parents and children within on high conflict families; Study the development and evolution of parenting plans, parenting coordination, and parenting facilitation techniques.
Parents considering their custody options should consider the following «pros» of joint legal custody:
A mediator will give you all the information need on Massachusetts divorce law, on your custody options, ways you can equitably divide your marital assets, and how to craft a separation agreement that will be approved by the judge and will serve your family's needs.
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