Sentences with phrase «custody order»

A custody order is a legal document that outlines who is responsible for taking care of a child or children. It determines where the child will live and with whom, and often includes visitation rights for the noncustodial parent. Full definition
Ok, so you got over the first hurdle of establishing the original child custody orders in your case.
I know this seems confusing, but the takeaway here is that to request a child custody modification, you must have a valid child custody order in place.
In custody cases, repeated violations of custody orders can result in custody modifications.
A temporary custody order established prior to the permanent custody hearing determines who will take custody of the child while the divorce is pending and establishes a parenting plan for the parents and child.
The court will order a modification of the existing custody order if it is in the best interests of the child.
Mother filed to modify a joint custody order by requesting primary custody of her two children.
The court possesses the power to issue custody orders when parents are unable to reach agreement.
All states allow parents an opportunity to modify custody orders.
If the circumstances change significantly, either parent may request a modification of the original custody order by asking the same court to change it.
This is when it gets harder: you need to show a material change in circumstances to change custody orders.
I do not believe that any court should be in the business of making custody orders for pets, disguised or otherwise.
This matter was in the trial court for an initial permanent custody order.
Prior to issuing a final custody order in a divorce, many courts require parents to attend court - ordered mediation, meet with a family counselor or participate in a parent education program.
Before going to court for the initial custody order or modification, parents are encouraged by the court to reach a parenting plan on their own.
The first custody order for these parents was entered when the child was two years old.
If you have not previously filed for custody you will need to seek a new custody order with the court.
If you are a victim of domestic violence you are virtually assured to obtain a sole custody order if you can prove the incident of domestic violence.
You can request that the temporary custody order include provisions that would allow you and your children to move.
A parent seeking the modification of a current custody order should be prepared to present proof of a material and substantial change of circumstances.
There are two types of legal custody orders: joint legal custody and sole (one parent only) legal custody.
Prior case law makes it clear that absent an actual prior custody order, such custody cases are treated as initial action.
Parents can request a temporary custody order after they file for divorce and before the divorce proceedings begin.
Judges in all 50 states issue custody orders according to the child's best interests.
The parents had a joint custody order following their divorce.
If the former spouses are unable to come to an agreement regarding what happens to their children, it can be difficult to get custody orders.
The exact process for proposing a new child custody order varies from state to state.
This type of shared custody order means that each parent has possession of the child for at least 40 percent of the year.
However, a parent also has the option of getting an interim custody order.
You can file a temporary child custody motion if your divorce, including the custody ruling, is pending or if you want a change in the previous custody order.
We represent clients in seeking the modification of standing child custody orders at a low cost and for a fixed fee.
Such custody orders typically include vacation and holiday time for both parents.
For example, some states have barred courts from issuing permanent child custody orders while a service member is deployed.
Does a divorce decree or custody order require you have life insurance, but find it hard to get approved with your Type 1 or Type 2 Diabetes?
We can also request modifications to child custody orders as well as visitation orders.
The children's parents applied to have a condition respecting access imposed on the continuous custody order.
A child custody order determines everything pertaining to the care, education, healthcare, and religion of a child.
Many states require temporary child custody orders during the period of time between a couple's separation and divorce.
Prior to this action being filed, the parties appear to have been operating under an informal joint custody arrangement without there being a formal custody order.
Judges understand that, even when a judge has spent the time determining what custody order is in a child's best interest.
If you think you might be in need of an emergency custody order, don't hesitate to call us.
Generally, the court assumes it is in the best interest of the child to have a consistent custody order, so it can be tricky to convince a judge otherwise.
Consequently, if your temporary custody order gives you full custody, the judge will be more likely to give you permanent full custody and maintain the status quo.
Most states allow custody orders to be modified in cases where a change in circumstances has occurred since the issuance of the original order.
In reaching its first custody order, generally the court will first consider the status quo.
It is important to fashion compassionate and common sense custody orders that reflect such knowledge as well as taking into consideration each individual case.
Sometimes, custody orders specifically state that you can not take your child out of state.
If a parent fails to follow the agreement, the other parent can go to court and request an official custody order.
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