Sentences with phrase «custom submission form»

We've also added a custom submission form, so bloggers can both add a new blog or help classify their current listing.
We've also added a custom submission form, so... more»

Not exact matches

All pre-designed and custom final cover files are sent to you by email in three sizes: 1600 x 2400 at 300 DPI (for Amazon, NookPress, Smashwords, Draft2Digital, Apple, Sony, Kobo, ARe, OmniLit and all other retailers / distributors) and 200 x 300 at 150 DPI and 300 DPI (for your website and marketing materials) with the exact information that you include on the submission form.
This submission has also sought to highlight the dangers relating to the introduction of forms of recognition of customary law where they are not sufficiently based in the traditions and customs at the local level or adequately supported by institutional support and capacity building.
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