Sentences with phrase «customer dollar share»

Not exact matches

Within days of launching, he and his co-inventor had raised almost half a million dollars, and had orders in hand for 1,000 units, with most of the customers in the fast - growing «maker» sector (groups of people who jointly rent work shops and share tools and equipment).
However, customers will have to pay $ 200 dollar a month to get access to the whiteboard's full features, like the ability to share digital sketches with colleagues via the Internet.
Common measurements include dollar revenues, dollar EBITDA (that's shorthand for earnings before interest, taxes and depreciation, depletion and amortization), percentage of market share, and numbers of customers.
Heritage Action and more than a dozen other organizations said attempts to subsidize extra-pricy customers with federal tax dollars or restore «cost - sharing» payments that...
The senator has been pushing for months for some version of the plan he crafted with Sen. Patty Murray, Washington Democrat, that would pay insurers billions of dollars a year in «cost - sharing reductions» (CSRs) to cover poor customers» out - of - pocket costs.
It's this careful process that turns the same size ham that costs 20 dollars in a supermarket into one that customers gladly shell out 3 to 4 times as much to share during the holiday season.
He shared his passion with us for teaching home cooks to create delicious meals, and helping customers stretch their cooking dollar.
It looks at long - and short - term trends for the market size and share (in dollars), customer numbers and cross visitation at major supermarkets and for each grocery category.
Although ALDI has a much smaller dollar share of the market, it is already punching above its weight in term of customer volume and has more than doubled shopper numbers since January 2007.
While ALDI's dollar share of the market is just under one - third of Woolworth's, it is a different story when we consider customer volume.
The company, which creates customizable dating sites, offers the largest revenue share (50 % of ad dollars) to its customer base and will be sharing some of those success secrets at the exhibit.
Unit and dollar market shares are calculated based upon orders for comic books, graphic novels, and magazines invoiced and shipped to Diamond customers during any given month, which comprises pre-orders, advance reorders, and reorders, minus any copies that are received back from a title marked as returnable.
Call your discount brokerage's customer service desk and ask them to take your DLR shares and «journal them over» to the U.S. dollar side of your account, where they should show up as DLR.U.
In a campaign titled «It's Time to Pay Your Fair Share», the ABA cites the increase of billion - dollar credit unions as proof that the tax policy is outdated, giving credit unions an unfair edge in the competition for customers.
Wikipedia defines a single supplement this way, «Cruise lines and tour companies quote package - deal and accommodation prices in terms of dollars per person when the customer travels in a group of two, that is, «twin share» or «double.»
It will be especially important for you to include quantifiable examples (using numbers, percentages, dollar amounts, and / or before / after comparisons) of how you have improved operations, profits, team performance, customer service, market share, etc. on your resume.
Negotiated top tier volume multi-million dollar customer contracts, increased margin and market share
I have a proven record of cultivating lasting relationships with Fortune 1000 customers, winning and maintaining multi-million dollar accounts, launching innovative products and capturing significant market share in the highly competitive software arena.
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