Sentences with phrase «cut to legal aid»

Finally, I do not think the question of cuts to legal aid should be taken off the table.
This year a group of leading firms will use the week to launch a joint pro bono initiative aimed at helping individuals most affected by cuts to legal aid.
With massive cuts to legal aid many migrants have nowhere else to turn to find someone who can advise them and represent their interests.
But when the coalition cuts to legal aid were introduced, she was forced to leave the job she loved.
Much of the government's proposed savings from cuts to legal aid will be lost from other departments, according to new independent research.
And, in addition to all this, cuts to legal aid led to the withdrawal of legal aid from large areas of private family work.
He said that he believes cuts to legal aid may have been a false economy because the rise in litigants in person means that judges have to spend time helping litigants through a case.
Yet massive cuts to legal aid have left thousands without access to a lawyer.
The new family enquiries our firm receives on a daily basis provide an extremely worrying snapshot into the impact of cuts to legal aid for family matters.
Amnesty and TUC reports: the human rights group Amnesty International and the Trades Union Congress both released reports on the impact of cuts to legal aid in October — you can read our summaries of the reports, by YLAL member Emma Fitzsimons, here: Cuts That Hurt (Amnesty) and Justice Denied (TUC).
This states that those organisations oppose any further cuts to legal aid as proposed by the MoJ and that the «published data can not be considered in isolation and does not justify cuts in any form.
Continue reading «Concerns are raised by Tory MPs about cuts to legal aid as Ken Clarke's justice bill gets its Second Reading»»
Junior criminal counsel, in particular, have been hard hit by cuts to legal aid fees.
Cuts to legal aid mean that many people can not afford to see a solicitor even for a one - off meeting.
Concerns are raised by Tory MPs about cuts to legal aid as Ken Clarke's justice bill gets its Second Reading
«We are bitterly disappointed that, despite a sustained campaign emphasising that these proposals are contrary to the public interest, the government is pressing ahead with significant cuts to legal aid for advocacy in the Crown Court,» he said.
Speaking about the new report in the context of the Government's latest proposed cuts to legal aid YLAL committee member Carita Thomas said:
It is unclear if Gove meant to include solicitors in the phrase «representatives of the profession overall», but the fact they were not explicitly mentioned suggests he has no plans to backtrack on cuts to legal aid fees.
Separately from LASPO, there have been savage cuts to legal aid for prisoners, presently subject to a challenge by the Howard League and Prisoners Advice Service.
Cuts to legal aid provision have led to an increasing number of people appearing as litigants in person, especially in the family courts and most particularly in divorce cases.
In a report published today, the Justice Select Committee (JSC) has criticized Government cuts to legal aid for having failed to meet their objectives and having «harmed access to justice for some litigants».
Outside parliament, hundreds of barristers dressed in gowns and wigs are expected to gather to protest against cuts to legal aid.
This April will mark the fifth anniversary of the biggest cuts to the legal aid scheme in the UK since it was introduced after the Second World War.
Amjid Jabbar, Partner at Stokoe Partnership Solicitors, discusses Gove's decision to end planned cuts to legal aid for The Barrister.
The Junior Lawyers Division (JLD) are extremely concerned about the government's plans to make drastic cuts to legal aid and the impact it will have on access to justice and vulnerable member of society.
In the following April cuts to legal aid were introduced that according to the government's own estimates denied access to justice to over 300,000 people.
The new Lord Chancellor and Secretary of State for Justice, Liz Truss, appeared before the House of Commons Justice Committee on 7 September and was asked about swingeing cuts to legal aid by Labour MP Rupa Huq.
Updated x 2 The lord chancellor Ken Clarke has announced plans for significant cuts to the legal aid system, which provides funding for legal representation to those who otherwise can not afford it.
He calls recent cuts to legal aid in British Columbia, for example, «quite horrendous.»
Serious cuts to legal aid have already been proposed in the UK... [more]
Does this line of argument ultimately endorse the coalition government's draconian cuts to legal aid as a tool for securing higher success figures for the UKBA?
Other cuts to legal aid have included a safety net which people can apply for in exceptional circumstances, but the cuts to prisoners» legal aid were absolute, meaning they offered no lifeline even if the prisoner was vulnerable or incapacitated.
The Lib Dems have voted for every single cut to legal aid.
I spoke out against UK Government cuts to legal aid during a Westminster Hall debate on public legal education this week.
Over 100 barristers and solicitors met to discuss cuts to legal aid fees.
The first casualties of the scope changes have been the law centres who suffered simultaneous cuts both to legal aid and local authority funding.
According to the Law Society's review, the Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Act 2012 (LASPO) was underpinned by the need for «significant cuts to legal aid spend», at a time when the government ring - fenced certain politically sensitive expenditure (health and education) but not justice.
Geraldine Morris, head of LexisPSL Family, said: «The new Resolution guide will be a useful new resource for separating and divorcing couples — the need for a greater awareness of options for resolving disputes is brought into sharp focus by the extensive cuts to legal aid and the overloaded court system.
DLA Piper was the standout firm in the CSR / diversity initiative of the year category for its Access to Justice project, which seeks to tackle the huge cuts to legal aid in the UK by offering pro bono legal support and advice to marginalised and disadvantaged individuals in communities around the country.
Amnesty is better know for its work in exposing injustice abroad, but expressed deep concerns in its report, The impact of legal aid cuts, about the situation in England and Wales saying the LASPO Act cuts to legal aid had «stripped away a vital element of support for a fair and just legal system».
Our concern — and one of the principal reasons that we embarked on this research and this latest report — is that as further cuts to legal aid take their toll, these problems will worsen.
«The latest consultations on cuts to legal aid close this Friday.
The government has repeatedly said it will carry out a review to assess the full impact of the reforms and cuts to legal aid introduced by LASPO after three years.
While all residents of British Columbia have been impacted by significant cuts to legal aid starting in 2002, the services that were (and continue to be) disproportionately accessed by women — family law and poverty law — sustained the deepest cuts.
BCGEU is expressing concern to the provincial government about the prospect of even more cuts to legal aid within the next year because of funding shortfalls.
CRIMINAL cases due for hearing at Dublin's circuit and district courts could be disrupted today as a group of lawyers protest over cuts to the legal aid system.
Proposed cuts to legal aid nationwide spurred Dorna Moini to take a leap in October and leave Sidley Austin to launch HelpSelf Legal.
It comes back to the old argument about who pays for access to justice; with yet further cuts to legal aid piggy backing on restricting access for claimants under the Jackson reforms where's the balance to be achieved?
Chair of the Bar Andrew Landon QC said: «This long - awaited review offers the Government an important opportunity to take stock of the damage caused by the unprecedented cuts to legal aid that LASPO introduced and to reassess the value of justice to citizens.
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