Sentences with phrase «cut to services»

Among the dozens of details that were still being worked out, is how to restore $ 120 million dollars in cuts to service providers for the developmentally disabled.
It was right for people, mainly public sector workers, to express how they felt about cuts to the their services, which they believe will increase social inequality in this country.
Among the dozens of details that were still being worked out, is how to restore $ 120 million in cuts to service providers for the developmentally disabled.
A compromise will likely still involve severe cuts to services, along with possible cuts to the state worker's pension program, which costs $ 6 billion annually.
But in this climate of cuts to services on which many people rely, politicians haven't been the only ones on the campaign trail.
There are more and more cuts to services which will negatively impact our seniors health and safety.
Both would make swinging cuts to services, potentially throwing us into a double dip recession.
In the meantime, legislative leaders say cuts to services are the only way to fix this year's $ 220 million budget hole.
But it can't all be used simply to replace cuts to the service providers.
There have also been cuts to service teaching — the teaching of physics to students in other fields such as engineering.
However, chronic under - funding and budgetary cuts to services means that we currently don't have capacity to meet demand.
ALBANY, N.Y. — Albany city leaders are considering cuts to services following Gov. Andrew Cuomo's budget proposal.
He said large portions of the budget go to education, health and welfare, and reducing the state's budget meant city officials would be forced to make major cuts to services like senior centers and libraries to make up the difference.
It's a good reason to have a moderate charge for the ebooks, as they do with bestsellers now, so that their extra cost doesn't have to be funded from cuts to services elsewhere.
As the public continues to bear the brunt of pain after budget cuts to services, schools, and safety net programs, community leaders came together to demand that our elected leaders in the State Senate and Assembly ensure the priorities of Central New York are met by passing Fair Elections.
«From this week millions will see cuts to their tax credits and childcare support as well as cuts to services they rely on like children's centres and libraries.»
Albany city leaders are considering cuts to services following the governor's budget proposal that does not include help in making up a shortfall in the city budget.
With cuts to services and a shortage of housing, victims of domestic violence are facing homelessness
The judgment also makes it very clear that if a thorough and full consultation process is not carried out when considering proposed cuts to services to disabled adults, the courts will quash the policy.»
Opponents of hundreds of millions of dollars in funding cuts to services for the developmentally disabled, say its disabled people who were among those who lost out in the budget.
The Speaker says he does have some issues with the budget proposed by Cuomo, including millions of dollars in cuts to services for the disabled announced by Cuomo's budget director a few days ago.
«Families in B.C. are struggling to make ends meet, and yet the Liberal government is rolling out one fee increase after another while making reckless cuts to services British Columbians depend on.»
City residents who for the past two years endured cuts to services didn't have a lot to complain about Thursday.
Before birth, it's a holy and precious «life», after birth, they support cuts to services and health care for all those deadbeat infants and children.
In fact, we would have to lay off workers sooner than our plan of January 1, and we would probably have to have something like a one percent cut to all services across the board, which I don't know, particularly in the area of health care, where we've cut over $ 5 billion now, and education, where we've cut over $ 2 billion, that they could sustain additional cuts to that extent.»
If we are asking our constituents to accept cuts to services, we need to make sacrifices as well.»
David Jones announced that Wales would get an extra # 161 million to spend on infrastructure — but we all remember that this is just putting back some of the # 500 million cut in capital spending that was made in 2010 budget and even in the terms of this Budget it's not quite as simple as the Welsh Secretary would have us believe, because a further # 59m is cut out of the Welsh Government's revenue funding, forcing hard decisions about cuts to services on which we all rely.
The Graham - Cassidy bill is an obvious attempt to contain the political damage done by July's failed effort to repeal the Affordable Care Act, and it should be rejected along with planned cuts to services provided by hospitals for low - income and uninsured patients.»
With the announcement of the NFTA's public hearing schedule concerning proposed reduction of service through closure of routes, Legislator Lynne Dixon has renewed her commitment to stay actively involved in the issue and ensure that every possible cost - saving option is evaluated to avoid cuts to service.
A source close to the negotiations said that all three sides were close to agreement on a mechanism that would allow the state to respond to a drop in federal Medicaid funding by initially trying to find a legislative solution or, if one could not be reached, empowering the executive branch to make an across - the - board cut to service providers to make up the shortfall.
They seek every opportunity to make deep cuts to services that support low - and middle - income families, children, older adults, and people with disabilities, predictably citing the soaring federal deficit exacerbated by the outlandish $ 1.9 trillion in tax cuts — 80 % of which will flow to the top 1 %.
Huntley said she voted against the governor's budget this year because there were too many cuts to those services.
The report credits a boost in jobs and business profits for the bump, which would be enough to significantly blunt the impact of the $ 1.6 billion in cuts to services announced by Bloomberg to close this year's deficit.
«Without increasing taxes or making huge cuts to services there has to be something in the budget that will allow her to close the deficit,» Andrews says.
His plan: «The County Executive will include in the proposed County budget the necessary actions which may involve cuts to services, raising revenues, or a combination of both to pay the debt service in 2015 in the amount of $ 6.9 million and $ 4.1 million in 2016.»
ALBANY — At an Assembly hearing Tuesday on whether to open a new office for the elderly and disabled, advocates said they largely backed the proposal but were concerned about cuts to services and about the new office's purpose.
``... But a combination of a few taxes and some rather severe cuts to services is the best, I think is the best solution.
«The Premier is quick to make major cuts to services that Alberta's most vulnerable people rely on and yet he refuses to consider raising corporate taxes.
Stopping prisoners smoking in their cells will be very difficult, especially given the low staff - to - prisoner ratio which has resulted from cuts to the service.
Substantial budget cuts to services are making it increasingly difficult for children, young people and families in need to get any help.
Outskirts Press, the No. 1 - rated self - publishing company according to Top Consumer Reviews, is stepping up to accommodate authors wishing to self - publish, distribute and sell their own books, in the wake of cuts to services by another major self - publishing service provider.
And while the Administration for Children's Services will not be losing its most experienced case workers, they will face layoffs well as cuts to services, including reduced vouchers for childcare, members said.
«The billions that this giveaway to the rich will cost New York will mean even more cuts to the services that every working family depends on.
Some of the Senators say they regret that they were unable to win full restoration of $ 120 million in cuts to services for the developmentally disabled.
A large part of the administration's argument against PEGs is that they would lead to billions of dollars in cuts to services and staffing, including tens of thousands of layoffs.
The Americans have four choices to deal with their current budgetary in balance, default, cuts to service, tax increases or inflation.
«In the middle of a fentanyl overdose crisis, managers are now looking to make cuts to services, because that's Christy Clark's priority.
In a statement denouncing the cuts to services, the CEO of the Trading Standards Institute, Leon Livermore, said: «We have a situation where trading standards teams in local councils are tasked with holding multi-million-pound firms to account, with just a handful of staff.»
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