Sentences with phrase «cycling of»

I've switched this chart back to being a bar graph, as it more clearly shows the quarterly cycling of dividend income.
Artika's evolution is the result of an ongoing cycle of contemplation, revelation and adjustment.
This sets off a virtuous cycle of invention leading to greater efficiency.
Used both along roadways and in stores, these billboards allow for an ever - changing and instantly updated cycle of information.
Our lives become a never - ending cycle of prospecting, selling, delivering, and then back to prospecting.
Getting out of the cycle of flying more leading to less time with family leading to flying more leading to less time with family is like breaking an addiction.
Roland Chalupka, Fiduciary Trust Canada's chief investment officer, thinks these factors magnify the classic cycle of fear and greed.
Kirsch's goals for the program are lofty, not only ending the cycle of poverty for the families involved, but also giving dignity and self - respect back to people who have never before caught a break or been told that they have what it takes to succeed.
BIODYNAMICS in the vineyard is a system of farming reliant on the cycles of the moon and mystical preparations buried in a cow's horn in the vineyard according to celestial indicators.
This will set off a vicious cycle of higher deficits that lead to higher debt, which in turn will mean higher interest costs and less funding available for healthcare, education and other provincial services.
Most of the time it just is what it is and it's the cycle of life.
«They have money and are fed up with [the cycle of] being hired and rehired in the oil industry, so now many are looking to buy a business.»
Emotionally intelligent people separate their thoughts from the facts in order to escape the cycle of negativity and move toward a positive, new outlook.
That leads to an endless cycle of layoffs and hiring.
That's already a major barrier to people seeking treatment in the first place (as is a dearth of affordable treatment options); but it can be magnified by a conviction and incarceration, which exacerbate a vicious cycle of lackluster employment opportunities, social exclusion, and continued crime and addiction.
Push employees to think through the whole cycle of a suggestion — from the initial idea to its end product — and you'll be on the right track.
Stulberg says more companies across all industries are now following suit with the same amazing results: Regardless of job type, repeating cycles of intense, highly focused work followed by short breaks seem to produce the best performance.
Related: Back to Civilian Life, Veterans Try Franchises The track will include an eight - week cycle of two public Hangouts per week, on Tuesdays and Thursdays, taught by IVMF founder and former U.S. Air Force officer Dr. Mike Haynie.
In many ways, this sort of growth trajectory can unfold more predictably, and possibly more quickly, than a more conventional foray into international markets that involve the familiar cycle of trade shows, cold - calling, and targeted marketing efforts in untested areas.
Current government investment in automotive creates the conditions for future structural unemployment, creating a cycle of corporate dependency on government.
When getting paid up front, the life cycle of the payment should be longer than whatever you're using the money for.
The production life cycle of a product is shorter and shorter.
As Marx foresaw, capitalism's inherent drive to maximize profits and market reach (what I call windfall exploitation) leads to boom - bust cycles of rapid growth in production and the subsequent bust caused by too much capacity and saturated markets.
Because of the long production cycles of the industry, it'll be about three years before the ads will show up in new models.
The energy crisis gave way to an endless cycle of ups and downs, with sales bottoming out anytime fuel prices soared or the economy tanked.
The more easily we roll with the punches and learn to tolerate the quirks of other human beings and the unpredictable ebb and flow of the cycles of success, the less stress we experience and the more resilient we become.
Since Monday, they've been riding a wild cycle of expectations and disillusionment, banal statements and searing rebuttals.
Pointing to a «cycle of boom and bust,» the CFPB points out a few key players in its report:
The mundane, repetitive cycle of daily prison life can drive a mentally weak person to the brink of insanity.
Rangeland Engineering Company Ltd Technology, Media, Telecommunications Calgary, AB Visit website» A full - service firm, Rangeland supports the entire life cycle of a project, from feasibility studies to
Each generation of politicians and economists tries to flatten the cycle of boom and bust, and every generation fails.
It also creates cycles of unemployment as workers are shed by consolidating industries.
I also do my best to reply to emails when I'm on the go if they require only a few words, or could be delegated to someone else on my team to ensure a rapid cycle of communication.
The dopamine - opioid relationship would keep him in a cycle of seeking out activities that made him feel good.
Even while trapped in this cycle of addiction, Masih continued to practice medicine.
«The prices have really become detached from the fundamentals like sales and cash flow,» says Clayton, who suggests that the market is caught in a cycle of news driving stock prices and stocks fueling news.
Going public is incredible, but it's just a moment in the life cycle of your business.
There always seems to be a cycle of creating this awesome piece of content, getting really excited about it, and then... nothing happens.
In many ways, they're akin to the «payday loans» that trap consumers in a never - ending cycle of interest payments and loan renewals.
There are different cycles of drivers and teams that appeal to the fan base, and that changes over the years.
«Maybe the reason why the iPhone 7 is not a big design innovation is because it realizes the aging dynamics of the base and saw this coming years ago, choosing to save the true cycle of innovation for when the base would be incredibly ripe.
It's this long cycle of prepping, planning, and following - up that Nadella believes Microsoft's various Office 365 tools like its calendar app can help improve.
«Every industry goes into the cycle of undervaluation or overvaluation, and businesses should be insured in terms of managing those crises or uncertain situations.»
«It's difficult to determine whether this is a symptom of unconscious gender bias in the hiring process or results from an ongoing cycle of women being underpaid, setting their salary expectations too low, and ultimately receiving less in subsequent roles,» the report reads.
«The tools they gain and the opportunities they earn permanently break the cycles of drug - use, incarceration, and poverty for them and their families, for life,» O'Donnell said in a statement to Business Insider, pointing us to some research outlined on The Doe Fund's website:
I wanted to learn how they had made money work for them, instead of getting caught in the cycle of always working for money.
«The corporate sector today is stuck in a vicious cycle of earnings management, questionable allocation of capital, low productivity, declining margins and growing indebtedness,» Druckenmiller said in May.
No amount of tweaking will make a product 100 percent perfect, but a startup can easily become stuck in the cycle of testing, refining and re-testing a product, ad nauseam.
It's been a constant cycle of innovation in the last decade.»
If you're one of those people, it's worth figuring out what your personal triggers are, so that you could stop the cycle of stress.
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