Sentences with word «cytologic»

The presence of Malassezia can be documented by cytologic examination of nail bed debris and / or impression smears of the skin.
Pyogranulomatous inflammation with branching nonseptate filamentous organisms approximately 2 μm in diameter, presumptively fungal organisms, was diagnosed by cytologic evaluation of fine - needle aspirates from several masses.
Diatoms in cytologic specimens of aquatic animals — Part II, dermal, respiratory, and gastric samples.
The estrus cycle is divided into four phases that are differentiated by cytologic, hormonal and behavioral features.
In dogs with unresponsive superficial pyoderma or deep pyoderma or when rod - shaped bacteria are identified on cytologic examination, select antibiotic therapy based on bacterial culture and antimicrobial sensitivity testing.
In addition, alternatives to repeated Pap testing, such as cytologic reprocessing of inadequate samples or primary HPV DNA screening should be studied for efficacy and acceptability among FTM patients.
Negative cytologic examination results from skin scrapings do not definitively rule out D. gatoi infection.
The purpose of this presentation is to overview some of these issues, including quality control in the in - house laboratory, basic cytologic principles, and hematology scattergrams.
Diagnostic medical services to evaluate and stage cancer include cytologic evaluation, biopsy, digital radiography, CT scans, ultrasound, and full laboratory services.
Veterinarians are trained to identify many common cytologic findings allowing for quick diagnosis and implementation of treatment.
Long - term surveillance to prevent recurrence of pruritic skin diseases or secondary pyoderma and Malassezia dermatitis — surface cytologic examination looking for organism overgrowth should be performed whenever inflammation seems to be exacerbating in an ischemic dermatopathy.
Cytologic diagnosis of disseminated histoplasmosis in the wall of the urinary bladder of a cat.
If it is vital for you to know exactly whether the dog is in heat or not, you may ask the vet to perform vaginal cytologic and progesterone tests which are two most accurate methods.
The neoplastic nodules from the subcutis as well as metastatic foci revealed similar cytologic and histologic features, which were consistent with canine TVT.
Cytologic study of debris from the ear canal dictates which drug to use.
For this reason, Long Island City Veterinary Center maintains a complete in - house laboratory capable of performing studies for infectious disease, parasites, blood chemistries, urinalysis, and cytologic testing.
The organism was identified as Nocardia abscessus (formerly Nocardia asteroides type 1) based on 16S ribosomal DNA sequencing of samples extracted from cultures and unstained cytologic smears.
Finally, obtaining tissue or cytologic specimens for a definitive diagnosis is essential.
A combination of topical neomycin, polymyxin B and bacitracin is often used in dogs of noncomplicated external ocular infection when gram - positive cocci are identified in the scraping of conjunctiva for cytologic evaluations (Bistner, 1980; Peiffer et al., 1984), while in the present study most gram - positive cocci (staphylococci and streptococci) were not susceptible to neomycin and bacitracin but to chloramphenicol, tylosin and oxytetracycline.
Cytologic examination is a useful and readily available diagnostic tool.
Lipofuscin is a cytologic hallmark of aging in metabolically active postmitotic cells including neurons, cardiac muscle cells, and the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE).
As you can see, the cytologic examination of these two masses lead to different treatments and prognosis for each patient.
Obtaining tissue or cytologic specimens is essential for a definitive diagnosis.
Cytologic, blood, fecal and other tests are performed in the clinic's laboratory.
This case demonstrates that N. abscessus may be mistaken for a fungal organism based on its cytologic appearance and underscores the importance of using molecular techniques for the diagnosis of suspected fungal diseases.
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