Sentences with phrase «cytoplasm known»

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NK cells are cytotoxic; small granules in their cytoplasm contain special proteins such as perforin and proteases known as granzymes.
Previously, all known substances consumed by autophagy took place outside the nucleus in the cell's cytoplasm.
In a healthy egg Oskar initiates the formation of what's known as the germ plasm — a gathering of proteins and RNAs within the cytoplasm, which then goes on to form a new germ cell.
«There's something in that cytoplasm that allows the sperm to know where it's going,» he said.
If you could take a cell from any organism — an alga, giant sequoia, condor, or your second cousin — and dive through its membrane into its clear liquid cytoplasm interior, you would find that all life as we know it shares the same building blocks.
Additional cellular analysis revealed a subset of these bacterial proteins that were secreted into the host cytoplasm independent of the known Salmonella mechanisms for transporting virulence proteins into host cells
This process, known as gene expression, begins with transcription, in which a molecule called messenger RNA transfers the information in DNA out of the cell's nucleus and into the cytoplasm, where it is translated into amino acids that form proteins.
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