Sentences with phrase «cytoskeletal structures»

In addition, breast cancer cells respond differently to S1P in terms of the regulation of actin cytoskeletal structures.
«Cytoskeletal structures are imaged by biologists all the time,» says Johnsson.
«If you ask a nucleus, they would tell you the cytoplasm is like honey, because they are really large and slow, and they don't feel cytoskeletal structures — they only feel the viscous disassembled protein solution, and have very small resistance,» Guo says.
I found that culturing cardiac valve cells on synthetic hydrogels preserves their normal properties better than the traditional plastic plates do, and I discovered a signaling pathway connecting the stiffness of the supporting scaffold to the cells» cytoskeletal structure.
Tubulin proteins form hollow tubes inside cells called microtubules that provide cytoskeletal structure and also act as a highway system for cellular traffic.
We aim to close this gap by implementing a novel assay to simultaneously assess the integrity of the axonal cytoskeletal structure (using electron microscopy) and a functional (physiological) correlate of healthy cytoskeletal structure, namely active axon transport, within individual RGC axons at an early stage of experimental glaucoma.

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«Zika virus infections cause a drastic perturbation of the cytoskeletal network, re-organizing both intermediate filaments and microtubules into a cage - like structure that surrounds the replication machinery.»
As Guo explains it, «the faster you move, the more permanent [cytoskeletal] structures you would see and feel resistance to.»
In particular, these characteristics determine how easily it can push against a cytoplasm's surrounding water and move through its ever - changing web of cytoskeletal protein structures.
New work led by Carnegie's David Ehrhardt hones in on how one particular organizational protein influences cytoskeletal and cellular structure in plants, findings that may also have implications for cytoskeletal organization in animals.
However, the exact cytoskeletal strategy that the cell uses to cross the physical BM barrier depends on the physiological context and the physical environment, as observed by examining actin structures in invading cancer and immune cells, and in cells that invade during developmental processes such as angiogenesis and anchor cell invasion in Caenorhabditis elegans.
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